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X-Ray Machines: How they work and what types are there?

X-Ray Machines: How they work and what types are there?

The X-rays son una forma de radiación electromagnética, similar a la luz visible. Esta técnica médica se creó en 1895 por el físico Wilhem Conrad Röntgen, cuyos hallazgos dieron lugar al desarrollo de la práctica radiológica. Se trata de un método esencial en el campo de la medicina y se emplea mediante un equipamiento específico: las máquinas de rayos X. Los rayos X son capaces de penetrar la materia, por lo que pueden traspasar la mayoría de objetos y tejidos, incluido el cuerpo humano. Una vez atraviesan el organismo, los rayos X llegan a una placa radiográfica o computadora donde se generan las imágenes digitales, que se conocen como radiografías.

The radiografías se emplean para analizar las diferentes áreas internas del organismo. Las imágenes que se producen se visualizan en diferentes tonos de blanco y negro, puesto que cada tejido permite el paso de una determinada cantidad de haces de rayos X. Los materiales densos, como los huesos y metales, aparecen en color negro, mientras que los músculos y los elementos grasos aparecen en tonalidades grises. En algunos tipos de radiografías, se introduce un medio de contraste, como yodo o bario, para que los tejidos se pueden visualizar en las imágenes con mayor detalle.

Los rayos X se pueden utilizar solos, como en los equipos de radiología convencional, o combinados con otras técnicas, como la tomografía computarizada o TAC. En el siguiente artículo, explicamos cómo funcionan los rayos X, para qué se utilizan y los tipos de máquinas de rayos X que existen.

¿Cómo funcionan las máquinas de rayos X y las radiografías?

Para la creación de imágenes en una radiografía convencional, el paciente se coloca detrás de una pantalla que bloquea la radiación y acciona el equipo de rayos X. Durante el procedimiento, la parte del cuerpo a analizar se sitúa entre la fuente de rayos X y un detector de rayos X.

Los rayos X que atraviesan los tejidos quedan registrados en una placa detectora de radiación. Y, en función de la densidad de los tejidos, traspasará una determinada cantidad de radiación, produciendo una imagen que muestra los distintos grados de densidad de las estructuras internas del organismo. A mayor densidad del tejido, más cantidad de rayos X traspasa y más blanca es la imagen generada. ¿Cómo se visualizan los diferentes tejidos?

  • El metal tiene un color blanco.
  • El hueso aparece casi blanco.
  • La grasa, el músculo y los líquidos se muestran con sombras, en diferentes tonos de gris.
  • El aire y el gas se visualizan en color negro.

Principales usos de los rayos X

Los rayos X tienen múltiples usos en el área de la medicina. Las radiografías se utilizan para el diagnóstico de enfermedades y lesiones, como técnica de apoyo para realizar procedimientos quirúrgicos, como tratamiento terapéutico, en procedimientos mínimamente invasivos y para la detección temprana de enfermedades. A continuación, analizamos los diferentes procedimientos donde se usa la tecnología de rayos X para diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades:

1. Radiografía diagnóstica

Se recurre a los rayos X como prueba diagnóstica para detectar fracturas óseas, tumores y masas anormales, neumonía, así como lesiones, calcificaciones, objetos extraños, obstrucciones intestinales y problemas dentales.

2. TAC o tomografía computarizada

Combina la técnica de los rayos X junto con la tomografía computarizada o TAC para crear imágenes transversales del cuerpo. Posteriormente, se pueden combinar para generar una imagen tridimensional de rayos X. Las imágenes por TAC son más detallas que las de una radiografía convencional y permiten que los profesionales puedan analizar las estructuras internas del cuerpo desde diversos ángulos.

3. Mamografía

La radiografía del seno se usa para detectar trastornos de la mama, principalmente el cáncer de mama. El tejido mamario es sensible a la radiación, por lo que para minimizar la exposición a la radiación se utilizan unidades de mamografía especiales y equipos de radiología digital.

4. Fluoroscopia

Se utiliza conjuntamente los rayos X y una pantalla fluorescente para obtener imágenes en tiempo real del movimiento dentro del cuerpo. También se utiliza para analizar procesos de diagnóstico, como seguir el camino de un agente de contraste.

Uno de los usos de la fluoroscopia es analizar el movimiento del corazón y los latidos. Para ello, se utilizan agentes de contraste radiográficos para ver el flujo sanguíneo del músculo cardiaco, los vasos sanguíneos y los órganos. Este tipo de técnica también se usa para guiar un catéter roscado internamente durante la angioplastia cardíaca, un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo para abrir las arterias obstruidas que suministran sangre al corazón.

5. Uso terapéutico de radioterapia para el tratamiento del cáncer

Otro de los usos de los rayos X es como técnica terapéutica para destruir tumores y células cancerosas. La dosis de radiación utilizada para tratar el cáncer es más alta que la radiación utilizada en las pruebas de diagnóstico. Este tipo de radiación terapéutica puede provenir de un equipo de rayos X o de un material radiactivo que se coloca en el cuerpo o en torrente sanguíneo.

Tipos de máquinas de rayos X

¿Qué tipo de máquinas de rayos X existen en el mercado? Podemos diferenciar el siguiente equipamiento médico que utiliza esta tecnología:

Máquinas de rayos X convencionales

Son los equipos más básicos y están diseñados para obtener imágenes estáticas de las estructuras internas del cuerpo. Se utiliza para diagnosticar fracturas óseas, evaluación pulmonar mediante una radiografía de tórax y la identificación de problemas dentales.

Máquinas de rayos X portátiles

Este tipo de máquinas de rayos X son ligeras, compactas y portátiles, por lo que se pueden trasportar con facilidad. Se usan en emergencias y en áreas rurales, así como para atender a pacientes que no pueden ser trasladados.

Máquinas de rayos X digitales

Reemplazan las placas de película con detectores digitales para desarrollar un diagnóstico en tiempo real y las imágenes generadas tienen una alta resolución y son de mayor calidad.

Sistemas de fluoroscopia

Son equipos específicos que utilizan la tecnología de los rayos X para observar procesos dinámicos en el cuerpo en tiempo real. Se recurre a este tipo de máquinas para procedimientos quirúrgicos mínimamente invasivos, estudios gastrointestinales y diagnósticos ortopédicos.

Máquinas de mamografía

Están diseñadas para realizar estudios de tejidos mamarios. Son fundamentales para la detección de tumores, anormalidades y cáncer de mama. En este caso, la emisión de rayos X es de baja energía para poder analizar mejor los tejidos blandos que componen las mamas.

Equipos de tomografía computarizada o TAC

Estos equipos están diseñados con un sistema avanzado que utiliza los rayos X para crear imágenes detalladas y tridimensionales del cuerpo. Tiene una alta precisión y se usa para evaluar lesiones internas, tumores, así como estudios cerebrales, torácicos, abdominales y de extremidades.


Estas máquinas de rayos X cuenta con un brazo en forma de C que emite los rayos X desde un extremo y captura las imágenes digitales en el otro extremo. Se recurre los C-arco para realizar procedimientos quirúrgicos guiados por images y en intervenciones ortopédicas y cardiovasculares. Ofrece un análisis con mayor profundidad, ya que el área a analizar se puede visualizar desde diferentes ángulos.

Máquinas de rayos X dentales

Este tipo de dispositivos están creados para captar imágenes sobre los dientes y las diversas estructuras maxilofaciales. Por un lado, están los equipos intraorales que capturan imágenes del interior de la boca y, por otro lado, encontramos los equipos extraorales que incluyen sistemas panorámicos que realizan imágenes completas de la mandíbula y de la boca. Se utilizan, principalmente, para el diagnóstico de caries, enfermedades periodontales y planificación de ortodoncias.

Máquinas de rayos X para densitometría ósea

Se utilizan los rayos X para medir la densidad mineral ósea, por lo que se usa para diagnosticar osteoporosis y realizar el seguimiento del tratamiento de pérdida ósea.

En conclusión, los rayos X son una técnica muy completa que tiene una gran cantidad de usos en el campo de la salud y, en función de cada necesidad médica, existe un equipamiento específico de rayos X para analizar, estudiar y tratar diversas enfermedades.


Instituto Nacional de Imágenes Biomédicas y Bioingeniería. (s. f.). X-Ray. Recuperado de:

Foro Nuclear. (s. f.). Historia de la primera radiografía. Recuperado de:

Mi Diagnóstico. (s. f.). Radiografía: Definición y usos. Recuperado de:

Manual MSD. (s. f.). Radiografías. En Pruebas de diagnóstico por la imagen habituales. Recuperado de:

Mayo Clinic. (s. f.). Rayos X: Sobre este examen. Recuperado de:

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

How has DANA affected clinics and health centers?

How has DANA affected clinics and health centers?

Thousands of businesses affected, more than 200 deaths and severe damage to many families, businesses and local institutions. The passage of the DANA has had an impact on a total of 75 municipalities in the Valencian Community, two in Castilla-La Mancha and one in Andalusia. Three weeks later, the economic cost is estimated at 1,789 million euros, between repairs and economic reactivation measures, in addition to a further 53 million euros in losses due to inactivity.

According to the data of the evaluation report carried out by the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, the total impact was 1,843 million euros.. But how has it affected the healthcare sector and medical centers?

Retail stores, the main affected by the DANA

The stores and small businesses have been the main affected after the floods. Approximately, a total of 5,228 companies have been directly hit by the DANA, and more than 3,500 businesses have serious damage. For this reason, the government has earmarked a set of measures to repair the damage in the affected premises. The cost of all structural damage will amount to €145 million, in addition to the €394 million earmarked for the cleaning and replacement of assets125 million for the construction of the new plant, such as machinery and furniture, and inventory replenishment.

The healthcare sector and the medical centers concerned

In the healthcare sector, there are many medical, veterinary and dental clinics; physiotherapy centers and health centers which have suffered numerous damages. Floods have affected a multitude of diagnostic imaging and laboratory equipment. and many of them could not be saved after the passage of the DANA.

4D Médica's services to help affected facilities

In view of this situation, from 4D MedicalWe are doing our bit to help all the affected centers. Throughout the last few weeks, we have been carrying out different activities to technical assistance services free of charge. On the one hand, the removal of diagnostic equipment that have had serious mishaps and the reporting on the extent of the damages The companies can process the request for insurance indemnities and also the application for the different state aids.

Main solutions and measures for companies

The retail fabric has been the most affected, especially in the Valencian Community. An impact that could lead to the definitive closure of many businesses, as it is estimated that there is a potential risk that between 25% and 40% of commercial businesses will not reopen. For this reason, the government has promoted a series of economic reactivation measures to support businesses.

Industrial and service establishments have access to a subsidy of up to 7% of the value of the compensable damages36,896 euros. At the same time, it has been approved a 500 million to remove the accumulated sludge debris and repair water networks in the affected municipalities. On the other hand, the victims are exempted from paying the Real Estate Tax (IBI) and have a reduction in the Business Activity Tax (IAE) in 2024.

United to restore clinics and health centers to normalcy

There is still much to be done, but together, we will help restore health and well-being. Many volunteers have volunteered to clean up and bring supplies and materials to the hardest hit areas. At 4D Médica, we are supporting all the companies and centers that need it. The aim is to enable the affected businesses in the healthcare sector to resume their activities.

Together, we will get things back to normal. If your center is one of those affected, you can contact us by the following means:

We will be happy to help you!


El País. (2024, November 12). These are the aids approved for 14,373 million for those affected by the DANA. Retrieved from:

Levante-EMV (November 12, 2024). The DANA in Valencia: economic impact on trade and agriculture. Retrieved from:

What is a CT scan and what is it used for?

What is a CT scan and what is it used for?

The computed tomographyalso known as computed axial tomography, also known as computed tomography, or TAChas become one of the most widely used diagnostic imaging techniques. It is a procedure that uses special X-ray equipment and advanced computers to obtain three-dimensional images with different slices of the body.

Since its clinical introduction in 1971, it has undergone successive advances that have allowed its application in different fields of medicine. At present, computed tomography is used to diagnose disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular conditions, infectious processes, trauma and diseases of the locomotor apparatus. In the following article, we analyze how it works, what it is used for and the origin and evolution of this diagnostic test.

How does a CAT scan work?

In order to perform this diagnostic imaging, the following is used computed axial tomography system which incorporates a X-ray scanners generating three-dimensional images with different cuts of the interior of the organism.

These slices are called tomographic images and are used for the following purposes study various internal regions of the bodyThe CT scanner can be used to view everything from organs, bones and soft tissues to blood vessels. In contrast to radiography, which only provides a two-dimensional representation, the CT scan makes it possible to observe the three-dimensional images. This makes it possible to analyze tissues with greater detail and clarity. Another aspect to note is that the CT scanner utilizes a X-ray source and has a ionizing radiation higher than that of an X-ray.

During the procedure, the CT scanner rotates around the circular opening of a threaded structure called Gantry. The patient lies on a bed and is inserted inside the scanner so that the specialist can analyze the tissues. The X-ray detectors are located in front of the X-ray source and generate a series of images through different cuts. Subsequently, are transmitted to a computer where the interior of the organism can be visualized and analyzed.

CT contrast medium

As with X-rays, dense structures within the body, such as bones, are easy to image. However, soft tissues are more difficult to image. For this reason, contrast media have been developed that increase the visibility of tissues during X-ray or CT scans. Contain a set of substances that are safe for patients and make it possible to stop X-rays, so that organs will be seen in more detail in the test.

For example, to examine the circulatory system, an iodine-based intravenous contrast medium is injected into the bloodstream to illuminate the blood vessels.

What is CT used for?

CT is used as a clinical diagnostic test, in follow-up studies to analyze the patient's health status, in radiotherapy treatment planning, and even for screening asymptomatic individuals with specific risk factors. A computed tomography scan creates detailed images of the bodywhich include the brain, thorax, spine and abdomen.. Specifically, we can highlight the following uses:

  • To help diagnose the presence of a cancer or tumor.. It is one of the most widely used techniques to screen for the presence of colorectal cancer and lung cancer.
  • Obtain information about the stage of a cancer.
  • Determine if a cancer reacts to treatment.
  • To detect the return or recurrence of a tumor.
  • Diagnose an infection.
  • Support technique to guide a biopsy procedure.
  • To guide some local treatmentssuch as cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation and radioactive seed implantation.
  • Radiotherapy planning external beam or surgery.
  • Study the blood vessels.

When did computed tomography come into being?

Computed tomography was introduced in 1971 as an X-ray modality. which allowed axial images of the brain to be obtained, so it was a clinical method used specifically in the neuroradiology area. Its evolution has made CT a versatile imaging technique with which three-dimensional images of any anatomical area can be obtained. Currently, it is a diagnostic imaging equipment with a wide range of diagnostic capabilities. wide range of medical applications in oncology, vascular radiology, cardiology, traumatology or interventional radiology.

Evolution: From its beginnings to the present day

At 1971The following were developed first CT scanners for clinical use. During these early years, the EMI-scanner was used, with which brain data could be obtained and the calculation time per image was about 7 minutes in total. Soon after, scanners applicable to any part of the body were developed. At 1973In the early 1990s, the axial scannerswhose equipment had only one single row of X-ray detectors. Subsequently, it was when the helical or spiral scannerswhich incorporated multiple detector rowsits clinical use had a significant impact on the widely used and are the ones currently in use.

Current CT equipment: Main improvements and types

The evolution of the equipment has made it possible to obtain significant improvements. In today's systems, the image quality and offer both a better quality of life and a better spatial resolution as a low contrast resolution. In addition, nowadays, the following are also available CT scanners designed for specific clinical applications. Among them, we can highlight:

  • Specific CT equipment for radiotherapy treatment planning: These scanners offer a larger aperture diameter than usual, thus allowing a study with a wider field of view. Thus, the images generated have greater detail and clarity.
  • Hybrid equipment integrating CT scanners with other imaging techniquesHybrid solutions are now available. Among them, we can highlight the CT scanner incorporating a positron emission tomograph (PET) or a single photon emission tomograph (SPECT).
  • Specialized scanners for new indications in diagnostic imagingDual-source" CT scanners, which are equipped with two X-ray tubes, have been developed, as well as "volumetric" CT scanners, which incorporate up to 320 detector rows, making it possible to obtain complete data on the organs analyzed in a single use.

Main risks

CT scans can diagnose serious diseases and conditions such as cancer, hemorrhage or blood clots. An early diagnosis is essential in order to find a solution as soon as possible and save lives. However, it is true that it is a test that presents some risks that are important to discuss:


One of the main risks of CT scanning is that it uses X-rays, which produce ionizing radiation. This type of radiation can have certain effects on the organism and it is a risk that increases with the number of exposures to which a person is subjected. However, the risk of developing cancer by the radiation emitted by the X-rays is generally low.

Use in pregnant women and children

In the case of pregnant women, there are no risks for the baby if the area of the body being imaged is not the abdomen or pelvis. But, medical professionals often perform tests that do not use radiation, such as the magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound. As for the childrenare more sensitive to ionizing radiationas they have a longer life expectancy and the risk of developing cancer may be higher compared to adults.

Reactions to contrast medium

On the other hand, another aspect to be highlighted is that some patients may have allergic reactions to contrast medium and, in very specific cases, temporary renal insufficiency. In this situation, intravenous contrast media should not be administered to patients with abnormal renal function.

As we have been able to analyze, computed tomography or CT is very useful for detailed and precise analysis of certain internal tissues and organs. By means of X-rays, certain conditions or serious diseases can be studied, which is why it is essential for clinical diagnosis and its application in different fields of medicine.


International Atomic Energy Agency (n.d.). Computed tomography (CT). Retrieved from

National Cancer Institute (n.d.). Computed Tomography (CT): Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (n.d.). Computed tomography (CT). Retrieved from

MSD Manual (n.d.). Computed tomography (CT). Retrieved from

Bernabéu, J. L., Bueno, E., & Figueroa, J. (2016). The use of computed tomography in medical physics. Journal of Medical Physics, 17(2), 125-133. Retrieved from

MedlinePlus (n.d.). Computed tomography. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

AI applications in medicine and their impact on society

AI applications in medicine and their impact on society

The use of new technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) has meant a before and after for many sectors. One of them has been medicine, where the latest advances and applications have been influenced by the development of technology. Artificial intelligence is a specialty in the field of computer science that is used to produce programs through a series of algorithms that have the ability to think, learn and make decisions, as humans do.

How does AI work?

AI began to be developed in the 1990s with the aim of creating a computer system that would process data in a similar way to the human brain. One of the branches of artificial intelligence that is most useful in the healthcare sector is the automatic learning. This system has the ability for machines to use the algorithms and learn from the dataThis improves decision making with the processed information.

By automating functions and tasks, healthcare professionals can process and analyze medical data faster and more accurately. This has a significant impact on the different areas of the health care sector and promotes improved healthcare management. Among the main uses offered by AI in the healthcare field, we find that it helps to develop and optimize processes in clinical diagnosis, disease detection and prevention, healthcare, research and the creation or updating of new drugs.

In turn, it has also been a determining factor in the progress of telemedicine and in the development of personalized medical treatments. In the following article, we address the main applications of AI in medicine and how they are helping to create a more complete, agile and effective healthcare system.

AI applications in medicine

In recent years, AI has been incorporated into medicine to promote higher quality patient care, speed up processes and achieve increased diagnostic accuracy. What are the different areas in which artificial intelligence is currently being used and what improvements have they brought about?

Disease prevention and early diagnosis

AI is a key tool in disease prevention. Through the use of Big Datawhich consists of a combination of digital health data, genomic data and patient behavioral data, can be used as a basis for the development of a new identify risk factors and patterns that lead to the development of certain diseases.

  • Spread of diseasesOn the one hand, machine learning algorithms can predict the spread of diseases such as influenza or COVID-19, anticipating epidemic peaks and allowing preventive measures to be taken.
  • Detecting signs of chronic diseasesAnother of its applications is that early signs of chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, can be identified. Chronic diseases are characterized by their slow onset and, in most cases, go unnoticed until they develop into more serious complications. Therefore, the use of AI is very useful for detecting possible signs of disease in medical studies, such as blood tests, ultrasound images or electrocardiograms. In this case, AI algorithms can detect patterns of cardiovascular disease through medical images such as the magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans.
  • Predisposition to genetic diseasesThrough the use of genomic data, artificial intelligence can also analyze predisposition to genetic diseases. AI algorithms are responsible for studying patterns in DNA to identify genetic variants that could indicate a high risk in the development of certain diseases. In oncology, it is used to predict the risk of breast or colon cancer, allowing doctors to design personalized prevention plans.

Clinical diagnosis

In the image processing and interpretation for diagnosisAI offers algorithms that improve the quality and accuracy of clinical diagnostics. They allow to recognize complex patterns in image data automatically, to eliminate noise to increase their quality and to establish three-dimensional models from images of specific patients. In this field, we can highlight the research by IBM researchers on a new study on the use of a new AI model can predict the development of malignant breast cancer.

With rates comparable to those obtained by human radiologists, this algorithm can learn and make decisions about cancer development from imaging data and patient history. Specifically, it was able to predict the 87% of the analyzed cases and was also able to interpret the 77% of noncancerous cases. Therefore, this model could be a fundamental tool to help radiologists confirm or dismiss positive cases of breast cancer.

Personalized medical treatments

Another use of AI in medicine is to find personalized medical treatments for each patient. Based on a set of factors, such as medical history, lifestyle and genetics, the AI algorithms can analyze a large volume of genomic and biomarker data to identify patterns and risk factors.

This can be used to develop a specific medical treatment for the patient's needsThe use of AI in oncology, for example, helps to identify the best treatment for each type of cancer, taking into account the specific genetics of the tumor. For example, in oncology, AI helps to identify the best treatment for each type of cancer, considering the specific genetics of the tumor.

Health care

Patient care is one of the areas where AI can provide great support to both medical professionals and patients. In this case, the AI-based virtual assistants are an ideal solution for automating functions and tasks. These include the appointment management, the realization of basic health consultations, the symptom assessment and the administration of medications.

Promoting telemedicine

These systems have also enabled the evolution of telemedicine. In this sense, professionals can monitoring patients suffering from chronic diseases remotely and receive alerts of possible anomalies that may arise in their health condition. This offers wide-ranging benefits in reaching a larger number of patients, especially those who live in regions that do not have all the health services in their localities and must travel to receive medical care.

Resource management in medical centers and hospitals

Another area where AI can be implemented is in the management of material and human resources in clinics, hospitals and health centers. Examining large amounts of data from historical records can be essential for to foresee the resources required in a given situationThe company's management and optimization of the available resources can be very helpful for the management and optimization of the available resources. This can be of great help to avoid overcrowding of medical centers at times of high demand and be able to manage the inventory of medical supplies and the availability of beds and medications.

Drug research and development

Artificial intelligence has been fundamental in the development of medical research, both in the development of new drugs as in the optimization of clinical trials. The integration of artificial intelligence into drug design involves a multidisciplinary approach combining both chemistry and biology concepts as well as computer science. to accelerate the discovery of new treatments and medical solutions.

For this purpose, AI models created with machine learning and deep learning algorithms are used to analyze large amounts of data on chemical and biological compounds and the interaction between them.

Robotic surgery

Robotic surgery systems such as the Da Vinci use AI to perform complex surgical procedures with greater control and precision. These robots are controlled by the surgeons to make small incisions, which helps to reduce the margin of error, perform minimally invasive surgeries and improve patient recovery times..

Another key area in which artificial intelligence can be applied is in the creation of customized surgical plans. In this case, the following are used data from previous surgeries to optimize techniques and to predict possible complications. that may arise during operations.


AI has a key role to play in the training of health professionals. It provides multiple tools that help medical specialists to acquire and perfect their skills in different areas, increasing their knowledge in a more efficient and personalized way.

On the one hand, the medical simulations through AI allow students to be able to implementing complex procedures and reducing the risk of errors. At the same time, the following stand out learning platforms that use AI to adjust educational content based on the level of knowledge of the learnerThe aim is to achieve greater efficiency in the learning process.

In summary, AI has a wealth of applications in medicine and there are new improvements and innovations every day that help to further advance the healthcare sector.


APD (n.d.). Applications of artificial intelligence in medicine. Association for the Advancement of Management. Retrieved from,efectividad%20y%20reduciendo%20efectos%20secundarios.

Sanofi (n.d.). Artificial intelligence in healthcare. Sanofi Campus. Retrieved from

Pakdemirli, E. (2020). Artificial intelligence in radiology: Friend or foe? Radiology, 297(3), 509-510.

Sánchez Rosado, E. J., & Díez Parra, A. (2022). Artificial intelligence in medicine: applications and challenges. Industrial Economics, 423, 49-63. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. Retrieved from

International University of Andalusia (2021). Artificial intelligence in medicine: the future of healthcare. UNIA Blog. Retrieved from

United States National Library of Medicine (2020). Artificial intelligence in healthcare and the implications for patient safety. JAMA Network Open, 3(4), e200033. Retrieved from

Mexican Association of the Information Technology Industry (n.d.). Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Digital transformation for healthcare in Mexico. Retrieved from

Merly Dayana Jurado-Sánchez, Eddy Maritza Pedroza-Charris, Blanca Mery Rolón-Rodríguez. (2021) How has artificial intelligence helped in medicine. Convictions, 8 (16), 6-20.

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

Asturian Healthcare receives 54 state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners from DiagXimag

Asturian Healthcare receives 54 state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners from DiagXimag

The Principality of Asturias Health Service (Sespa) has received 54 state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners 1.7 million euros. Following the award of the Diagximag public contract in April 2024, the delivery of the equipment was signed on September 30. The ultrasound scanners, which were delivered during the months of July and August, represent a very important step forward in the modernization and digitalization of the healthcare sector in the Asturian region. 

How are Diagximag's state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners different?

The company of Asturian origin, Diagximag4D Médica, a subsidiary of 4D Médica and part of the group Substrate AIhas about state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners which offers a complete imaging solution. These Samsung-branded medical devices combine advanced technology and precision imaging of the different organs, tissues and internal structures of the body. It is an essential tool for diagnosing medical conditions, monitoring the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy, and for guiding certain medical procedures, such as biopsies and tissue extraction. Below, we analyze the main features that define Diagximag ultrasound scanners:

  • Equipment includes artificial intelligence and remote controlOne of the innovations of Diagximag ultrasound scanners is that they allow ultrasound scans to be performed using artificial intelligence. They differ in that they include the Sonosync function that allows radiologists to control the equipment completely remotely. In other words, from their own home, they can diagnose patients as if they were present at the medical center.
  • High image resolutionThey have a very good image resolution and incorporate Doppler technology, so that tissues and blood flow can be visualized with total clarity. This allows to visualize detailed images and perform a complete diagnosis of the area of the body to be analyzed.
  • Intuitive design for multiple uses in the clinical settingIn addition to their multiple functions, ultrasound scanners have an intuitive design that facilitates their use in different clinical environments. A fundamental aspect when it comes to increasing the efficiency of medical diagnostics.

What advantages and innovations do they offer in diagnostic imaging?

The ultrasounds are one of the most widely used medical techniques today, because it is a convenient, inexpensive, safe and non-invasive test. The medical devices used to perform this highly demanded test are ultrasound scanners. They have a rod-shaped toolcalled transducerwhich is responsible for detecting the waves produced inside the body. Through the use of a special gel which is applied to the skin of the area to be examined and the use of a computerThe images are displayed on the screen, which provide the information on fabrics.

The innovative technology based on the application of AI not only enhances the medical diagnostic experience, but also offers a major progress in telemedicine. In this way, the following can be realized rapid diagnostics no matter where the specialist is located. With this, it is possible to reach more regionsas there are many localities that do not have all medical services in health centers. The use of state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners means that more patients can receive a quick and accurate diagnosis, avoiding the need to travel to other regions that have more resources.

The use of these ultrasound scanners incorporating the latest technology provides an improvement in the health sector, so that now the Asturian region will be able to offer an effective and high quality diagnostic imaging, reducing efforts and limitations.