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The importance of radioprotection in the clinical environment

The importance of radioprotection in the clinical environment

The radioprotection is the set of measures, standards and practices aimed at protecting people, the environment and the surroundings from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. In the clinical setting, the aim of radiation protection is to ensuring the safe use of radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for patients and healthcare personnel, minimizing the associated risks.

What is radioprotection?

The ionizing radiation is a fundamental tool in modern medicine. It is used in procedures of diagnostic imaging that use X-rays, such as conventional radiography, digital radiology, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) and interventional radiologyRadiology, a branch of radiology that diagnoses and treats various pathologies by means of minimally invasive procedures. In turn, it is also used in radiotherapy treatmentsThe aim of this program is the destruction of tumor cells and tissues by means of radiation, and in the nuclear medicine.

However, its improper or excessive use can have harmful consequences for people's health.. These include tissue damage or increased risk of cancer in the long term. For this reason, it is of great importance in the clinical environment and requires a sound management. In this sense, the discipline of Radiation ProtectionThe company, which employs professionals such as physicists, physicians, biologists and engineers, is working to ensure that the development and application of technologies that use ionizing radiation are safe.

Basic principles of radiation protection

The Radiation Protection System is based on three fundamental principles that have been established by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP):

1. Justification

Any procedure involving the use of ionizing radiation must be medically indicated. This means that the benefits of the procedure must clearly outweigh the risks associated with radiological exposure.

2. Optimization (ALARA Principle)

Exposure should be kept "as low as reasonably achievable". This principle is referred to as ALARA and ensures that the lowest dose necessary to obtain clinical results is used.

3. Dose limitation

Strict dose limits must be established to protect both healthcare personnel and patients, preventing exposure from exceeding levels considered safe. This principle is oriented to the protection of persons exposed to radiation sources.

Application of the Radiological Protection System in the clinical environment.

In the clinical environment, the Radiation Protection System is implemented through a structured approach that includes the following aspects:

Design and maintenance of installations

The rooms of X-raysCT scans, CT scans or TAC and radiotherapy must be equipped with adequate shielding that minimizes radiation scattering. In turn, it is essential to carry out periodic inspections to guarantee the correct functioning of medical equipment and that they do not emit an unnecessary dose of radiation.

Equipment quality control

The following must be implemented preventive maintenance and calibration programs to ensure that the equipment operates efficiently within the established limits. Another key aspect is incorporate advanced technologies that allow automatic adjustment of radiation doses according to the patient's characteristics. To this end, digital radiology medical equipment will make it possible to optimize the amount of radiation, increasing safety in the healthcare environment for both medical staff and patients.

Staff training

One of the strategies to promote radioprotection in the clinical setting is to to train health professionals on the safe use of medical equipment that emit ionizing waves and which, in turn, have knowledge of the three principles of radioprotection. In this way, through appropriate training, it will be possible to promote the development of a safety culture to ensure the application of good practices in daily work in the health sector.

Radiation protection measures

Radiation protection in the clinical environment is essential to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare personnel from the risks associated with ionizing radiation. To this end, various strategies and tools designed to minimize unnecessary exposure are implemented, respecting the principles of justification, optimization and dose limitation.

Protection of healthcare personnel

Personnel working in areas where ionizing radiation is used must be adequately protected to avoid cumulative exposure that may pose a long-term risk. Key measures include:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Professionals should wear leaded aprons, thyroid protectors, leaded goggles and gloves that are specifically designed to reduce direct exposure to radiation.
  • Dose monitoringIt is mandatory for health personnel to record the amount of radiation accumulated. This monitoring ensures that the dose does not exceed the limits established by the regulations in force.
  • Staff turnoverTo minimize exposure time, personnel rotation is organized in tasks involving the handling of radiation-emitting equipment. In this way, the exposure load is evenly distributed.

Patient protection

Patients should also be protected from unnecessary radiation exposure, especially considering that they are often exposed in a timely manner but with high doses in some diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. The most relevant measures are:

  • CollimationIt is essential to limit the area of the body that is exposed to radiation by using collimation systems that focus the radiation beam only on the area of interest. This reduces the amount of tissue irradiated and thus the associated risks.
  • Optimized protocolsModern equipment makes it possible to adjust the exposure parameters (such as energy and radiation time) according to the specific characteristics of each patient. This makes it possible to deliver a minimum dose without compromising the quality of the radiation dose. medical images or treatment.
  • Repetition controlTo avoid unnecessary repetitions of radiological studies, it is essential that the staff is well trained and that the equipment is functioning optimally. This ensures that the images obtained are of diagnostic quality on the first attempt.

Signaling and delimitation of areas

Facilities using ionizing radiation must have proper signage and access control to protect those not involved in the procedures. These measures include:

  • SignageVisible signs should be posted indicating radiological risk areas and exposure levels, warning people of the need to wear appropriate protection or to avoid entry.
  • Delimitation of areasIonizing radiation: Access to areas where ionizing radiation is used should be restricted. Its use should be limited to authorized personnel, thus avoiding accidental exposure of third parties or the general public.

In conclusion, radiation protection in the clinical setting is a shared responsibility that requires the collaboration of professionals, patients and regulatory bodies. Applying protection principles and measures not only ensures safety, but also improves the quality of medical care.


Nuclear Safety Council (CSN). (n.d.). Radiation protection in the healthcare environment. Retrieved from

Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN). (n.d.). Radioprotection. Medical dictionary. Retrieved from

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

Parts of a mammography machine, operation and advantages

Parts of a mammography machine, operation and advantages

The mammography is a technique of diagnostic imaging which uses a system of low-dose X-rays to examine the inside of the breasts. This is a medical test that consists of performing a breast radiography. When performing a mammogram, a mammography machine is used. specific equipment: the mammograph. It is a medical equipment that is specifically designed to capture X-ray images with a high resolution to detect signs and irregularities in breast tissue. The design and the different parts of a mammography equipment allow using a minimum dose of radiation during the test, making it an effective, fast and safe examination.

Health professionals use this test to look for early signs of disease in breast tissue. Among them, breast cancer. The mammography test is called mammogram and its main purpose is to detect abnormalities such as tumors, cysts or microcalcifications in the breast. We analyze, below, what mammography consists of, how the mammogram works and its different parts.


Mammography: What is mammography and types of mammograms?

The use of the mammograph is used as a screening tool for early detection of breast cancer in womenA mammogram is used both in women who have no symptoms and to diagnose the presence of abnormalities in women who notice breast irregularities. A mammography examination or mammogram exposes the woman to a small dose of ionizing radiation to generate medical images of the inside of the breasts. We can differentiate between two types of mammography:

Screening mammography

A screening mammogram is performed in women who have no signs or symptoms of breast cancer. This type of mammography should be performed periodically in women from the age of 40 as a form of prevention. By means of this diagnostic test, it is possible to detect irregularities in the breast tissue, such as tumors, cysts or microcalcifications. Screening for breast disease at early stages, especially breast cancer, provides a range of advantages:

  • Allows the identification of tumors before they are palpable. or present visible symptoms.
  • Enables treatment to be initiated in the early stagesbefore the disease has spread.

According to different studies, it has been proven that the screening mammography screening decreases breast cancer morbidity rates by detecting the disease at treatable stages, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

2. Diagnostic mammography

Diagnostic mammography is used when a woman presents symptomsas lumps, pain, discharge or changes in the skin of the breast. It is also used when an abnormality is detected on a screening mammogram or detection. This type of examination allows the affected area to be studied in greater detail and thus identify whether the breast condition is benign or malignant.


Mammograph operation

The medical equipment The mammogram is a specialized medical device that allows the analysis of breast tissue and the presence of abnormalities. This is specialized medical equipment that uses X-rays to generate medical images of the inside of the breasts. How a mammogram works consists of several stages:

Preparation of the patient

The process begins with the positioning of the patient in front of the mammograph. During the mammogram, a radiology professional will positions the breast on a flat platform of the mammography equipmentwhere the breast will be gradually compressed. The specialized technician will guide the patient to ensure proper posture and perform the medical test.

2. Breast compression

Once the breast is positioned, an adjustable compressor descends to press on the breast tissue gently, but firmly.

3. X-ray emission

The tube of X-rays of the mammogram emits a controlled beam of radiation passing through compressed breast tissue. This radiation is absorbed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the density of the tissue:

  • The dense tissuessuch as tumors or microcalcifications, absorb more radiation. They appear clearer and brighter in the images.
  • On the other hand, the fatty tissues absorb less radiation and appear darker.

4. Image capture

The radiation passing through the breast is captured by a detector which transforms the data into a digital image or radiographic film. Modern mammographs are often equipped with digital technology that allows images to be stored and processed on a computer.

Subsequently, these generated medical images can be integrated in the RIS system to automate the management of medical imaging data and information, facilitating its analysis and comparison with previous studies.

5. Variation of angles and views

To ensure a complete evaluation of the breast tissue, images are captured from different angles. The different perspectives help physicians identify abnormalities that may not be visible in a single view. The views that are analyzed in a mammography study are:

  • Craniocaudal (CC)This is a top-down view.
  • Mediolateral oblique (MLO)This type of slanted view allows a greater amount of breast tissue to be studied, especially that close to the axilla.

6. Image analysis

Once the images have been obtained, a specialized radiologist reviews the results for possible abnormalitiesas cysts, calcifications, tumors or suspicious tissue changes. Nowadays, digital images offer many advantages, since they allow adjusting contrast and brightness to improve image quality, obtaining a more efficient and accurate diagnosis.


The mammograph: Parts and components

A mammogram is composed of several elements that work together to ensure clear and accurate images. Each component has a specific function that contributes to the quality of the diagnosis and the safety of the procedure. What are the main parts of a mammography machine?

X-ray tube

The X-ray tube is the component responsible for generating the X-ray beam that passes through the breast tissue. and subsequently produce high quality images. The mammograph uses a lower radiation doses than standard X-rays. This is because, since x-rays do not pass through this area easily, the mammography equipment is designed with two plates that compress and flatten the breast to separate the breast tissue. In this way, a higher quality medical image can be created and the amount of radiation during the exam can be reduced.

2. Compressor

The compressor is a movable plate that descends to press the breast against the mammography platform. Its function is to compress the breast tissue gently and firmly, providing the following advantages:

  • Reducing the thickness of breast tissue to improve the visualization of internal structures.
  • Minimizing X-ray scatteringThe image quality is improved.
  • Avoid blurred images caused by the involuntary movement of the patient.
  • Allowing the use of a lower dose of radiationmaking the procedure safer.

3. Support platform

The support platform is a flat surface on which the breast is positioned during mammography. It provides a stable and firm foothold, ensuring that the breast tissue is correctly positioned for sharp, detailed images.

4. Detector

The detector is the component that captures the radiation passing through the breast tissue and converts it into an image.. Depending on the type of mammograph, it can be of different types:

  • DigitalX-ray: Converts X-rays into electronic data that is processed and stored in a computer, facilitating detailed and rapid analysis.
  • Radiographic filmThis type of detector is used in analog mammographs, where the image is printed on a special film.

5. Collimator

The collimator is a structure that directs and confines the X-ray beam to the specific area of the breast that needs to be examined. This component prevents other areas of the body from receiving unnecessary radiation, making the procedure safer.

6. High voltage generator

The high-voltage generator is responsible for supplying the energy necessary for the X-ray tube to function correctly. It regulates the intensity and duration of the X-rays, adapting to the needs of each scan.

7. Control station

The control station is the panel or computer from which the technician operates the mammography machine. Allows you to adjust the parameters of the examinationIt also ensures that the procedure is performed in a precise and customized manner for each patient. It also ensures that the procedure is performed accurately and customized for each patient.

8. Positioning system

The positioning system includes mechanisms for adjusting the height, tilt and angle of the mammography machineThe system can be adapted to the physical characteristics of each patient. This system facilitates the imaging from different perspectivesobtaining a complete analysis of the breast tissue.

9. Image processing software

In digital mammographs, the digital mammogram processing software medical images is an advanced tool that improves the quality of captured images. Allows adjustment of contrast, brightness and other parameters to highlight specific details, as well as compare current images with previous studies, facilitating a more accurate diagnosis.

10. Security system

The mammogram is equipped with a safety system that ensures that radiation exposure is minimized and safe for the patient. In addition, some devices are equipped with sensors that automatically stop the process if a problem is detected technical or positioning.


Advantages of mammography

The mammograph is an essential medical device for the detection, diagnosis and follow-up of breast diseases, especially breast cancer. Its use not only allows early identification of abnormalities, but also contributes to more effective treatment planning. What are its main advantages?

Prevention and early detection of diseases

The mammograph is capable of identify abnormalities in breast tissue in early stages or even before symptoms and signs are visible. The early detection is key to significantly increasing the chances of successful treatment, as it allows the disease to be addressed before it develops to an advanced stage.

In turn, the periodic mammograms are performed is a fundamental strategy for the prevention of breast cancer in women. By detecting breast cancer in its early stages, it helps to reduce the mortality associated with this disease and improves the quality of life of patients.

Non-invasive, fast and safe procedure

Mammography is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that uses a minimal dose of X-rays, meeting strict safety standards. The mammography exam is fast and efficient. It usually has a duration between 10 and 30 minutesdepending on the type of mammography performed:

  1. The screening mammogramsDuration: Its duration is between 10 and 20 minutes.
  2. The diagnostic mammogramsThey have a longer life, between 15 and 30 minutesThey include different views and images to analyze the area in a specific way.

High precision imaging

Modern mammographs, especially digital mammographs and those using 3D technology (tomosynthesis), provide high-resolution images that allow the breast tissue to be analyzed in great detail. This precision facilitates the detection of small or subtle irregularities and improves the differentiation between normal tissues and abnormalitiesreducing the probability of false positives or negatives.

Examination customization

The design of the mammograph allows tailoring the procedure to the individual characteristics of each patient. Exposure parameters, X-ray intensity, acquisition angle and compression level can all be adjusted. All this allows you to generate high quality medical images and optimize the patient experience.

Fast and efficient diagnostics

The mammogram streamlines the diagnostic process by generate medical images in a short period of time. In this way, when abnormalities are detected, physicians can immediately plan further studies and start treatment as soon as possible.

Multiple uses and clinical applications

In addition to being a key tool for the early detection of breast cancer, the mammogram has also other important applications:

  • Monitoring of the evolution of oncological treatments.
  • Performing image-guided biopsiesThis improves the accuracy of the procedure.
  • Identification of benign changes or non-malignant disease in the breast tissue.

In summary, the mammograph is an advanced technological tool that combines precision, safety and efficiency for the detection and diagnosis of breast disease.


American Cancer Society (n.d.). Mammogram basics. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from (n.d.). Mammography. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from

MedlinePlus (n.d.). Mammography. U.S. National Library of Medicine Retrieved January 15, 2025, from.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Mammograms. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from

Revista Argentina de Mastología (2020). Importance of mammography in the early detection of breast cancer. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from

Luis Daniel Fernandez Perez

Director of Diagximag. Distributor of medical imaging equipment and solutions.

Functions, uses and parts of a C Arc

Functions, uses and parts of a C Arc


The arc in C is specialized medical equipment used in radiology and interventional procedures to obtain real-time X-ray images of the inside of the human body. It is a mobile device that enables radiological and fluoroscopic imaging. Its name derives from its C-shaped structure"which allows a wide range of movements and the acquisition of images from multiple angles and positions for capture specific anatomical views without moving the patient.

It is used to obtain X-ray and fluoroscopic images without having to move the patient to the radiology department. Therefore, diagnostics and procedures can be performed at the patient's hospital bedside or on the operating table during surgery. Its use is essential in areas such as surgery, orthopedics, traumatology, cardiology, neurology, urology and minimally invasive procedures.

Among the main advantages offered by the arc in Cis that facilitates diagnosisoffers a high precision and safety, y decreases the duration of surgical interventions in which the patient is under general anesthesia. In the following article, we analyze how a C-arm works, its parts, functions and main applications and uses. medical equipment.


How does a C-arc work?

The operation of a C-arc is the same as that of the X-ray machines conventional. Combine two main elements that work in an integrated manner How does this process work?

X-ray generator

The process begins with the X-ray tubelocated at one end of the "C" arm. This component emits a beam of radiation which passes through the patient's body. Collimators, which are adjustable devices on the tube, delimit the radiation field, ensuring that only the area of interest is irradiated. This not only improves image quality, but also minimizes radiation exposure to other areas.

When the X-ray beam passes through the patient's body, interacts with the different tissuesgenerating a phenomenon called differential absorption. The Denser tissues, such as bones, absorb more radiation. and are represented as white areas in the image. On the other hand, the soft tissues and air-filled areas allow the rays to pass through more easily, appearing in gray or black tones. This difference in absorption is what creates the contrast in radiological images.

Image detector or intensifier

At the opposite end of the X-ray tube is the image detector or intensifier. This component receives the rays that have passed through the patient and converts them into electrical signals. Modern detectors, called digital flat panel detectors, process these signals to generate high-resolution images. This advance has largely replaced traditional intensifiers, offering greater sharpness and less radiation exposure.

The signals captured by the detector are sent to a processing system that converts the data into digital images.. This software automatically optimizes parameters such as contrast, brightness and sharpness to ensure that images are clear and easy to interpret. These images are displayed in real time on monitors connected to the system, allowing the medical team to observe the area of interest while the procedure is being performed.


C-arc: Parts and functions

The C-arm in radiology consists of several parts that work together to provide high quality images in real time during medical procedures. Below are its main components and functions:

Part Description
C-shaped arm Central structure connecting the X-ray tube to the detector.
X-ray tube Located at one end of the C-arm, it emits the radiation beam.
Image detector At the opposite end of the X-ray tube, it captures the radiation passing through the patient.
Mobile base Wheeled structure that supports the equipment and facilitates its transport.
Control panel Operational console from where the equipment parameters are adjusted.
Monitors Screens connected to the image processing system.
Collimator system Adjustable device located in the X-ray tube.
Cooling system Components that dissipate the heat generated by the X-ray tube.

Detailed picture of the parts of a C-arc

Parts of a C-arc

1. "C" shape arm

It is the main structure that connects the essential components of the equipment, such as the X-ray tube and the imaging detector.


  • The C-shaped arm connects the X-ray tube, which is located at one end, to the image detector or intensifier, which is located at the opposite end, allowing a wide range of movement around the patient.
  • Facilitates imaging from multiple angles no need to move the patient.
  • Includes rotations in multiple planes: horizontal, orbital and verticalThis makes it possible to adapt to different types of procedures.

X-ray tube

This is the radiation generator located at one end of the C-arm.


  • Emits X-rays through the patient's body.
  • Its intensity and duration are controlled to obtain quality images. while minimizing radiation exposure.
  • Security is a key aspect in the use of the C-arm. These devices are designed to minimize radiation exposure for both the patient and the medical staff. They have specific systems that reduce scattered radiation and integrated dosimeters continuously monitor the delivered dose.

3. Image intensifier or digital flat detector

It is located on the opposite side of the X-ray tube, capturing the radiation passing through the patient.


  • Converts X-rays into visible images in real time.
  • The state-of-the-art digital flat panel detectors offer higher resolution images and lower radiation exposure compared to traditional intensifiers.

4. Control Console

This is the external control panel operated by the radiological technician during diagnosis.


  • Allows adjustment of exposure parametersThe company has a wide range of products, such as time and intensity, among other aspects.
  • Controls the movement of the arc and the orientation of the images.
  • Saves and transmits the images obtained for further analysis. The data is stored in a PACS system (Picture Archiving and Communication System), allowing quick and easy access for further analysis.

3. Monitor

The C-arm includes one or more high-resolution monitors, usually in Full HD, which allow physicians to view images in real time during procedures. This screen is connected to the system, usually located near the surgical field.


  • Displays radiological and fluoroscopic images in real time so that physicians can be guided through the procedure.
  • Some systems include dual monitors to compare images in real time with previous analyses.

6. Mobility system

It is a rolling base with lockable wheels or fixed support system on larger models.


  • Facilitates C-arm transport between different areas of the hospital.
  • Allows you to position the equipment in a stable and safe manner around the patient.

7. Power generator

It provides the power needed to operate the X-ray tube and other system components.


  • Regulates the power supply to ensure consistent performance during use.

8. Image processing software

By means of a radiodiagnostic softwareThe computerized system manages the acquisition, processing and storage of medical images.


  • Improved image quality through techniques such as contrast adjustment and noise reduction.
  • Allows measurements and annotations directly on the images.

9. Collimator system

It is the device located in the X-ray tube that is responsible for controlling the irradiated area to be analyzed or treated.


  • Adjusts the radiation field to focus only on the area of interest.
  • Reduces unnecessary radiation exposure for both the patient and the medical staff.

10. Refrigeration system

The cooling system is the mechanism for dissipating the heat generated by the X-ray tube.


  • Maintains equipment temperature within safe operating limits.
  • Prolongs X-ray tube lifetime.


Clinical uses and applications of a C-arm in radiology

The C-arm is a medical device widely used in radiology and interventional medicine due to its ability to generate real-time images with high precision. What are its main uses and clinical applications?

Orthopedic surgery

In the field of orthopedic surgery, the C-arm is essential for the precise placement of screws, intramedullary nails and plates used in orthopedic surgery. fracture treatment. It is also used for guiding fracture reduction or deformity correction procedures. Its ability to provide clear, real-time images allows the surgeon to visualize bone structures and ensure that implants are positioned correctly, reducing the risk of errors during surgery.

Spine surgery

In spinal interventions, the C-arm facilitates the precise placement of the fixation devices such as pedicle screws and spinal fusion brackets. In turn, it is also used in procedures such as the vertebroplasty. The real-time images it generates are crucial to avoid injury to sensitive nerve structures and to ensure a successful outcome.

Interventional radiology

The C-arm is an essential tool in interventional radiology, where it is used for guided procedures such as biopsies, drains and tumor ablations. It is also indispensable in angiographieswhere digital subtraction imaging (DSA) allows high-precision visualization of blood vessels. This equipment facilitates minimally invasive procedures, which require detailed, real-time imaging to ensure accurate results.

Interventional cardiology

In cardiology, the C-arc is used in procedures such as coronary angiographieswhich evaluates the circulation in the arteries of the heart. It is also key to the implantation of pacemakers and other cardiac devices. Thanks to the dynamic images it provides, physicians can perform complex procedures with greater safety and precision.

Vascular surgery

In vascular surgery, the C-arm allows detailed visualization of the vascular system, which facilitates procedures such as the stenting to repair aneurysms or the insertion of filters in the vena cava.


In urology, this equipment is used to guide procedures such as placement of ureteral catheters or nephrostomies. It is also useful in the percutaneous nephrolithotomywhere kidney stones are removed using minimally invasive techniques. Real-time imaging helps physicians locate specific structures and avoid damage to surrounding tissues.


In gastroenterologic procedures, the C-arm is used for inserting feeding tubes or drainsas well as for placing esophageal prostheses. This device is especially useful in delicate procedures where precision is crucial, such as in hard-to-reach areas within the gastrointestinal tract.


In neurosurgery, the C-arm is used for procedures such as the electrode placement for deep brain stimulation or minimally invasive spinal surgeries. The ability to generate highly accurate intraoperative images is critical for navigating complex structures of the nervous system and ensuring patient safety.


In the treatment of cancer, the C-arm is a valuable tool for radiofrequency or microwave ablationswhere localized tumors are destroyed. It is also used for the placement of markers to guide radiation therapy. Its ability to generate precise images allows for accurate positioning of instruments in malignant tissues, optimizing treatment.


In emergency situations or in traumatology, the C-arc is used for evaluate complex fractures and guide reduction procedures. It allows to verify in real time the correct alignment of the bones, which is crucial to ensure the patient's functional recovery.

Emergency procedures

In emergency environments, this equipment is indispensable for the immediate evaluation of serious injuriesas major trauma, and for guiding critical procedures such as thoracic drainage. Its ability to generate immediate images allows physicians to make quick decisions and save lives in critical situations.

Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery

In dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, the C-arm is used for the dental implant placement and surgical planning in the mandibular region. Provides detailed images of the bony structures of the skull and jaw, ensuring accurate results.

Gynecology and obstetrics

In gynecology, this equipment is used for interventional procedures, such as the placement of intrauterine devices or catheters used in fertility treatments. Its use improves the accuracy of procedures in sensitive areas, increasing safety and effectiveness.



The C-arm stands out for its versatility, as it is used in multiple medical specialties. Its ability to provide real-time imaging facilitates decision-making during complex procedures, reducing errors and improving clinical outcomes. In addition, by enabling minimally invasive interventions, it contributes to faster patient recovery and greater efficiency in medical resources.



Diaz, P. (2023, March 10). Advances in mobile radiology, C-arms and fluoroscopy. El Hospital. Retrieved from
Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

Parts and types of ultrasound scanners: Find the perfect model

Parts and types of ultrasound scanners: Find the perfect model

Ultrasoundultrasonography, also known as ultrasonography, is a non-invasive technique using ultrasound to obtain real-time images of the inside of the body. For this purpose, a medical equipment specific: the ultrasound scannerHow does it work and what types of ultrasound scanners are available on the market? We address this in the following article.

The ultrasound scanner: How does it work?

The ultrasound scanner is a medical equipment in the field of image diagnosis. It employs a device called a transducer which emits high-frequency sound waves, called ultrasound. These waves are inaudible to the human ear and travel through the different internal tissues of the body. At the moment when the waves encounter the various organs and structures, it is when are reflected as echoes. These echoes are picked up by the transducer and generate the medical images that can be displayed on a screen. These images are known as ultrasound scans and allow professionals to evaluate different tissues and internal organs of the organism.

In the realization of a ultrasoundis used, a transducer that glides over the skin in the area to be analyzed. This device is coated with a conductive gel that facilitates the transmission of ultrasound waves. It has the function of eliminating the air that exists between the skin and the transducer, helping to improve the quality of the images. In an ultrasound scan, the following can be obtained still images and also allows to observe the movement in real time. It is an essential medical equipment in medicine that has the function of analyzing the state of organs such as the heart or blood flow.

Parts of an ultrasound scanner

An ultrasound scanner consists of the following components:

Parts of an ultrasound scanner Description
Transducer or probe Device in charge of emitting and receiving ultrasonic waves.
Monitor Screen where the images generated by the ultrasound scanner are displayed.
Control panel Interface with buttons and controls to adjust parameters and settings.
Central processing unit Processor that handles the data and generates the ultrasonic images.
Storage system Allows to save images and data obtained during diagnosis.
Power supply Provides electrical power to the device.
Software Program that controls the operation of the ultrasound scanner and processes the images.
Handles and wheels Facilitate the mobility of the equipment within the hospital or clinic.
Ports and connections They allow the connection of accessories and additional devices.

Image of the parts of an ultrasound scanner

Detailed image of the parts of an ultrasound scanner

Transducer or probe

It is the main part of the device, responsible for transforming electrical signals into ultrasound waves. They are made of piezoelectric material and function as ultrasound emitters and receivers. There are different types of transducers:

Depending on its use

  • LinearThey are used for superficial and vascular studies. They generate rectangular images and use high frequencies, since they do not require much penetration, being useful in the exploration of ligaments, tendons, muscles, thyroid, scrotum, breast and superficial vessels.
  • Curved or convexThey have a curved shape and produce trapezoidal images. They are used with low frequencies because they are designed to explore deep structures, as in obstetrics and abdominal studies in general.
  • Endocavitary or intracavitaryThey can be linear or convex. Their frequency varies according to the required penetration. They are used in intravaginal and intrarectal studies, for gynecological or prostate examinations.
  • SectorialThey are a variant of the convex transducers and offer triangular or fan-shaped images. They use frequencies similar to those of curved transducers and allow an intercostal approach, so they are used in cardiac and abdominal studies.

According to frequency

  • High frequency (up to 15 MHz)They are used to explore small and superficial structures.
  • Low frequency (approximately 2.5 MHz)They are used for ultrasound scans that require a greater depth of penetration.


Displays the images generated by the processing unit.The image is displayed on the monitor, so that professionals can observe and evaluate the state of the different anatomical structures in real time. Most current monitors can reproduce images in grayscale and color.

Control panel

It is located in the front part of the ultrasound scanner and allows the ultrasound specialist to make various adjustments to the equipment configuration. It allows to modify the brightness, the sharpness of the images and the frequency of the sound waves. In addition, it also allows to configure the necessary parameters to carry out the type of ultrasound that the patient requires.

Central processing unit

It is the component that receives the information provided by the probe. It converts the signals into electrical impulses and generates the image of the anatomical part of the area to be analyzed.

Storage system

It is the internal element that allows to save images and patient's data for further analysis. It can consist of an internal memory, USB or be connected to a PACS system (Picture Archiving and Communication System).

Power supply

Provides power to the ultrasound machineThe power supply is provided either by alternating current or by rechargeable batteries in the portable models.


It is essential for processing ultrasound signals and generating medical images. It can include specific modules for different types of studies, such as cardiology or gynecology, among other areas.

Handles and wheels

These elements facilitate handling and transport of the equipmentespecially in the case of mobile ultrasound scanners.

Ports and connections

This type of components included in the ultrasound scanners are used for connect multiple probes, USB devices or DICOM interfaces to share images.

Types of ultrasound scanners

Having analyzed the operation of an ultrasound scanner and its main components, we can differentiate between different types of ultrasound scanners:

Category Types of ultrasound scanners
Imaging technology
  1. 2D ultrasound scanners
  2. 3D ultrasound scanners
  3. 4D ultrasound scanners
  4. Doppler ultrasound scanners
    • Color Doppler
    • Pulsed Doppler
    • Continuous Doppler
  5. Tissue Doppler Ultrasound Scanners
  1. Portable ultrasound scanners
  2. Cart or console ultrasound scanners
  3. Wireless ultrasound scanners
Clinical Specialty
  1. Obstetrics and gynecology:
  2. Cardiac (Echocardiograms)
  3. Vascular
  4. Musculoskeletal and physical therapy
  5. Abdominals
  6. Neurological
  7. Urological
  8. Endoscopic
Resolution and advanced technology
  1. High resolution ultrasound scanners
  2. Ultrasound scanners with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Type of purchase
  1. New ultrasound scanners
  2. Used ultrasound scanners

Imaging technology

1. 2D ultrasound scanners

  • These are the most common and basic models. Generan two-dimensional images in real timeThey are widely used in the obstetrics area, to perform general and abdominal studies.
  • Main applicationsBasic analysis, pregnancy control and organ evaluation.

2. 3D ultrasound scanners

  • Allow display three-dimensional structures in real timeproviding greater detail. They are useful for creating more accurate images of fetuses and studying structural abnormalities.
  • Main applicationsThey are used in advanced obstetrics and for surface studies of organs and tumors.

3. 4D ultrasound scanners

  • They add the time dimension to 3D imagesallowing to see the movement in real time. It is especially useful in the obstetrics area to see fetal movements.
  • Main applicationsObstetrical diagnosis and dynamic studies of joints.

4. Doppler ultrasound scanners

  • They use the Doppler effect for assessing blood flow in vessels and organs. There are different models and variants:
    • Color DopplerThey offer a color representation of the blood flow.
    • Pulsed Doppler technologyThey provide a more detailed analysis of blood flow velocities.
    • Continuous DopplerThey measure very fast flows.
  • Main applicationsThey are used for vascular, cardiac and circulatory studies.

5. Tissue Doppler Ultrasound Scanners

  • They are in charge of making a specific evaluation of the movements of the heart tissues and blood flow.


1. Portable ultrasound scanners

  • They are small and lightweight devicesThey are ideal for home transport, emergency or remote areas. There are multiple versions that include advanced technologies, such as 2D ultrasound, Doppler, etc.
  • Main applicationsThey are used for emergencies and ICU, mobile clinics and medical visits to remote areas.

2. Trolley or console ultrasound scanners

  • They are larger and more robust models. They have a fixed console that offers a variety of functions and high-resolution imaging options.
  • Main applicationsThey are used in hospitals and specialized clinics.

3. Wireless ultrasound scanners

  • They are connected to mobile devicesThe medical imaging systems, such as tablets or smartphones, through applications. They are characterized by high portability and immediate access to the generated medical images.
  • Main applicationsThey are used in sports medicine, emergencies and telemedicine.
Image of types of ultrasound scanners

Types of ultrasound scanners

Clinical Specialty

1. Obstetrics and gynecology

  • This type of transvaginal ultrasound scanners are specialized in the visualization of the fetus, uterus and ovaries of women.

2. Cardiac (Echocardiograms)

  • They are designed to evaluate the structure and heart function, valves and blood flow.


  • They are used for analize arteries and veinsmeasuring the flow and detecting obstructions or thrombi.

4. Musculoskeletal and Physical Therapy

  • Allow visualizing muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. These physiotherapy ultrasound scanners are used in sports medicine to detect injuries or to analyze the recovery from an injury.

5. Abdominals

  • They are oriented to the study of abdominal organs like the liver, kidneys, spleen or pancreas.

6. Neurological

  • They are used for assessing the brainespecially in neonates.

7. Urological

  • These devices are designed to examine the kidneys, bladder and prostate of the male.

8. Endoscopic

  • They combine ultrasound with endoscopes to obtain internal images of the digestive tract or areas of difficult access.

Resolution and advanced technology

1. High resolution

  • This type of medical equipment offers images of the highest qualityIt is therefore especially useful in complex applications.

2. Ultrasound scanners with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Type of purchase

1. New ultrasound scanners

New ultrasound scanners are newly manufactured, previously unused ultrasound machines with the latest technology upgrades and full manufacturer's warranties. They feature the following characteristics:

  • State-of-the-art technologyThey incorporate the latest innovations in imaging, such as advanced Doppler, elastography, 3D and 4D ultrasound and even artificial intelligence.
  • Full warrantyThey offer extensive warranties that are backed by the manufacturer, generally from 1 to 5 years.
  • CustomizationYou have the possibility to configure the equipment according to your specific needs, including transducers and software.
  • Longer service lifeSince they have no previous use, their potential useful life is longer, especially if proper maintenance is carried out.
  • Certifications and technical supportThey comply with all current quality and medical safety standards. In addition, they have specialized technical support.

2. Second-hand or opportunity ultrasound scanners

Pre-owned ultrasound scanners are previously used ultrasound machines that have been refurbished or overhauled to ensure their functionality before being sold again. These devices may come from clinics, hospitals or practices that have refurbished them for newer models or no longer need them. Compared to new models, they have the following features characteristics:

  • Technical reviewBefore being sold, ultrasound scanners undergo a series of quality tests to ensure that they are functioning properly. These may include repairs, cleaning, calibration and software upgrades.
  • Reduced priceThey are less expensive than new equipment, which makes them attractive for small clinics, independent physicians or institutions with limited budgets.
  • Variety of modelsYou can find from basic ultrasound scanners to advanced equipment with technologies such as Doppler or 3D.
  • Limited WarrantySome suppliers offer warranties, but these are usually shorter than those for new equipment.
  • Variable statusThe performance and service life of used ultrasound scanners will depend on how well the device has been maintained during previous use.

In conclusion

The ultrasound scanner is a medical equipment that is widely used in the field of diagnostic imaging to perform one of the most popular medical tests: ultrasound. Depending on the technology, mobility, medical specialty and type of purchase, different types of ultrasound scanners can be found.

With more than 20 years of experience in this field, DiagXimag offers a wide range of ultrasound scanners of different specialties and brands to suit every medical need.


Luis Daniel Fernandez Perez

Director of Diagximag. Distributor of medical imaging equipment and solutions.

PACS system in radiology: What is it and how does it work?

PACS system in radiology: What is it and how does it work?


The technology has had a significant impact on the healthcare system, especially in the radiology area. In recent years, one of the most relevant changes following the advent of the Internet has been the use of computerized systems in the field of image diagnosis. This has allowed the development of a digital imaging department where medical information can be managed and stored conveniently and securely.

In a digital imaging department, we can distinguish three fundamental tools: the PACS system, the RIS system and the HIS system. In the following article, we analyze what the PACS system is, how it works and its relationship with the RIS and HIS system.

What is the PACS system in radiology?

The term PACS stands for Picture Archiving and Communication System, which refers to Image Archiving and Communication System. This is a computer software used in the radiology area for the following purposes store, manage, present and share medical images and diagnostic procedure reports electronically.

Before the advent of the PACS system in radiology, the images generated after diagnostic examinations were stored in a physical format, mainly as radiographic films. Therefore, from the time the medical test was performed, there was a long process until the final image was obtained. With digitization, it is now possible to resort to a AI software for the different medical teams to obtain an accurate faster and more efficient access to informationwhich will allow optimize workflow in clinical practice.

How does the PACS system work?

A PACS system consists of a series of mechanical and electronic components which are connected to each other by a copper or fiber optic communication network. Specifically, we can differentiate between four main components:

  1. Image acquisition hardware
  2. Workstations for image interpretation and review
  3. Servers for storage and transmission of images
  4. Network for data transmission

All these elements work in an integrated manner to allow medical images to be captured, stored, distributed and displayed digitally. Through the use of this network, the graphic information generated in different studies, such as a CT scan, is transmitted to the magnetic resonance imaging o TAC.

How does this process unfold?

First of all, data from the system servers is passed to the archiving drives. Subsequently, they are distributed to the stations where radiological physicians review the generated medical images and also to the teleradiology serverswhich allow access to the archive through the Internet.

With a digital radiology PACS system, you can view images remotely from any medical department, office or externally. To do so, health care personnel have special identification codes which allows them to access diagnostic tests for each patient.

The DICOM medical imaging communication standard

For information and images to flow through the PACS system components, it is necessary to comply with the DICOM medical image communication standard. DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine and is a standard for the communication of medical images. standard for digital storage and transmission of medical images and related patient information.

It is responsible for define the file format and structure and, in turn, includes a communications protocol to facilitate connectivity between medical devices and systems. However, it should be noted that the majority of modern devices and medical equipment current DICOM images are produced.


Advantages of using a PACS system in radiology

We analyze the main advantages offered by a PACS system in the management of radiological images:

Improved workflow in radiology departments

Radiologists and medical teams involved in the diagnostic imaging process can access and review digital images from any workstation on the hospital's network or remotely through the web server. This allows rapid consultation of studies and collaboration between physicians and specialists.

Error reduction

As the format of medical images is no longer physical, eliminating the possibility of duplicate diagnoses and also reduces both the risk of loss as the damage of the generated medical images.

Integration with other IT systems

One of the main advantages of the PACS system is that it allows the integration with other IT systems that can be used in health careThe RIS (Radiological Information System) and HIS (Hospital Management Software).

Capacity to store large volumes of data

Not only is it essential for clinical management and patient care, being able to store large volumes of medical imaging data is a key aspect for research and education in the area of health and medicine. In this way, researchers can access image databases for studies and students in training can use many of the images as educational material.

More accurate and detailed diagnosis

The use of the PACS system provides a more detailed reading of the diagnoses. This is mainly because the images are reviewed on high-resolution monitors and can be manipulated more accurately, which helps to detect abnormalities present in the image more quickly and accurately. 

Saving time and resources

Another of its advantages is that it offers a time saving and a decrease in the workload of the staff.The cost of printing X-rays and other radiological elements was also reduced. At the same time, waiting times and resources at the hospital level are reduced.

Relationship between the PACS, RIS and HIS system

PACS, RIS and HIS are three systems key components in the digital health informatics ecosystem. Their interrelation is essential for the efficient functioning of the healthcare services of any clinic, health center or hospital. While the PACS system in radiology is used to manage, store and share images of the different diagnostic imaging procedures, the RIS and HIS system have other functions. What is each used for and what is the relationship between them?

The RIS system

The RIS system or Radiology Information System, is the program that runs the digital radiology department. It is a software that contains all the information of the radiology area and hospitals, thus enabling manage information and processes related to diagnostic imaging services.

Functions performed

  • Scheduling of appointments and studies
  • Order generation
  • Recording of results with the generated medical images
  • Workflow management in the radiology department

The HIS system

As for the Hospital Information System (HIS), it is a system of hospital information system. By using it, all the data are stored in the data related to the management and administration of a hospital. It is designed to manage all areas involved in the operation of a hospital from a single platform.

Functions performed

  • Management and scheduling of medical appointments
  • Patient care: Administration of patients' medical records and results of medical examinations performed.
  • Human Resources
  • Billing
  • Monitoring the quality of medical care

Interaction of PACS, RIS and HIS systems

  • HISThe central system that coordinates and stores all patient information in a clinic or hospital facility, including demographic, clinical and financial data.
  • RISIt communicates with the HIS system to obtain relevant patient information and to manage the radiology area. It is used to schedule radiological procedures requested from other areas of the hospital.
  • PACSRIS-PAC: Works hand in hand with RIS to store and manage the medical images generated by the requested studies. The RIS-PAC interaction allows the report to be presented in both systems so that each report appears linked to the images of the study performed.


In conclusion, a PACS system is a fundamental tool in the radiology area to be able to store and manage medical images digitally. All this helps to improve healthcare and promote faster, more detailed and accurate clinical diagnosis.

If you need more information about our imaging solutions, just contact us and our staff will give you personalized advice.



Clínica Universidad de Navarra (n. d.). PACS. Medical dictionary. Retrieved from

Ochoa, P. J., Murillo, M. R., & Torres, J. A. (2004). PACS system (picture archiving and transmission system). Anales de Radiología de México, 3(3), 153-162.

López-Arroyo, A., Villarreal-García, A. J., & López-Arroyo, S. (2005). The DICOM format and PACS systems in medical imaging. Gaceta Médica de México, 141(5), 477-485. Retrieved from

Clinic Cloud (n. d.). DICOM format: what it is and how this standard works in medical imaging. Retrieved from

Luis Daniel Fernandez Perez

Director of Diagximag. Distributor of medical imaging equipment and solutions.

What is the RIS management system for diagnostic imaging?

What is the RIS management system for diagnostic imaging?

Technology is becoming increasingly important when it comes to storing and managing different data and resources. In the field of medicine, we can highlight the RIS management system for diagnostic imaging. This is a type of specialized software used in the radiology area and in other medical fields to manage information and processes related to the services provided by the image diagnosis. In the following article, we analyze how it works, its main features and advantages.

What is the RIS management system for diagnostic imaging?

The RIS management system is responsible for automating the management of medical imaging data and information. It works like a hospital information system (HIS), but the main difference is that it is specifically tailored to radiology departments in clinics, hospitals and healthcare centers.

It is called RIS (Radiology Information System) and represents a key part of the IT infrastructure in radiology departments, clinics and hospitals. A radiodiagnostic software is a tool that includes a multitude of functions in a single centralized platformfrom manage patient data and history, store medical images and create customized reports. Therefore, it stands out as a solution that helps to improve workflows and optimize medical imaging processes.

Main features and functions of the RIS system

How does the RIS system work? We analyze the main features and functionalities it offers:

Patient registration

Firstly, the RIS system is used to register the patients to be attended. For this purpose, the different data to create your medical record: the personal information of contact, the medical history and the insurance information.

Appointment scheduling

Once the patients are registered in the system, they can be scheduling appointments for diagnostic imaging tests. From radiographs, computed tomography or CAT scans, magnetic resonancesetc. The software organizes and prioritizes orders according to urgency, equipment and personnel availabilityoptimizing the management of time and available resources.

Storage and tracking of medical images

Radiologists can attach the results of the images generated after the medical tests directly to the patient's fileThis speeds up the availability of the studies. At the same time, it also allows include data related to medical examinationssuch as reports and diagnostic information.

Patient follow-up and test management

The RIS system makes it possible to perform the follow-up of the patient's treatment and of the examinations carried out through the system. In this way, the complete medical history can be accessed and patient information can be checked for necessary updates during the diagnostic process.

Workflow tracking

Allows you to track each stage of the process, from the initial request to the generation of the final reportThe system ensures efficient and uninterrupted execution. Another aspect to highlight is that improves collaboration between different medical teams who work in patient treatment, such as radiologists, technicians and medical specialists.

Report generation

Radiologists can writing and sharing diagnostic reports based on processed images. The reports are securely stored and made available to physicians and also to authorized patients. The results are generated digitally, but can also be sent by e-mail and fax, as well as exported for printing on paper. Using the RIS system, different statistical reports can be produced, either for specific examinations, individual patients or groups of patients.

Data analysis and statistics

The system produces reports and statistics on workflows, volumes of studies performed and equipment performanceThe results of this study will facilitate administrative decision making and increase the efficiency of diagnostic imaging services.

Data storage and security

All information, including images, reports, and financial records, is stored in secure databases. This helps to ensure the compliance with medical and privacy regulationssuch as GDPR in Europe or HIPAA in the United States.

Billing and administration

Another of its functions is that automates the creation of invoices related to exams performed. By integrating payment and insurance records, financial management processes can be simplified.

What are the advantages of RIS for diagnostic imaging?

The RIS management system offers numerous advantages, mainly in terms of efficiency, accuracy and quality of service in the field of radiology. We explain its main benefits in the medical field:

Workflow optimization

Allows you to manage all stages of medical diagnosisfrom the request to the delivery of reports. This helps to improve organization and reduce delays that may arise. At the same time, automated appointment scheduling ensures that the efficient use of time and resources.

2. Accuracy and security of data

Reduces the occurrence of errors by centralizing patient information, as test results are located on a single platform. On the other hand, by complying with data security regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR, the medical information included in the RIS system is kept confidential.The patient's data is processed correctly.

3. Quick access to information

Physicians, radiologists and technicians have immediate access to patient records and studiesThis streamlines clinical decision making. And not only that, the system usually includes a integration with cloud-based solutions. In this way, the medical team can remotely access information from anywhere, anytime.

4. Integration with other medical systems

It works in conjunction with other medical systems: both PACS and HIS. On the one hand, the PACS system is used to manage the long-term storage of both images and patient information, and HIS systems are hospital information software used in the management of clinics and hospitals. Therefore, the integration of these systems into the RIS system makes it possible to create a complete healthcare ecosystem.

5. Improved patient care

Offers a agile, comprehensive and seamless patient care experience. Among its advantages is the reduction of waiting times in treatment planning and diagnosis, the results are available more quickly and reduce the administrative burden to be carried out by professionals and patients.

6. Cost reduction

In addition to optimizing the work process, helps reduce costs and increase profitability. It eliminates the need to create paper documentation and reduces administrative errors, thus optimizing billing processes and scheduling of medical services.

In summary, the RIS management system is an essential tool for optimizing administrative and clinical processes in radiology and other areas of diagnostic imaging. The use of radiodiagnostic software helps to increase efficiency, service quality and patient care.

Luis Daniel Fernandez Perez

Director of Diagximag. Distributor of medical imaging equipment and solutions.