by 4D Medical | Nov 14, 2024 | Medical equipment
The tomografía computarizada, también denominada como tomografía axial computarizada o TAC, se ha convertido en una de las técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen más utilizadas. Se trata de un procedimiento que utiliza un equipo especial de rayos X y computadoras avanzadas para obtener imágenes tridimensionales con diferentes cortes del cuerpo.
Desde su introducción clínica en 1971 ha experimentado sucesivos avances que han permitido su aplicación en diferentes campos de la medicina. Actualmente, se recurre a la tomografía computarizada para diagnosticar trastornos como el cáncer, afecciones cardiovasculares, procesos infecciosos, traumatismos y enfermedades del aparato locomotor. En el siguiente artículo, analizamos cómo funciona, para qué sirve y cuál es el origen y la evolución de esta prueba diagnóstica.
¿Cómo funciona un TAC?
Para realizar este diagnóstico por imagen, se utiliza un sistema de tomografía axial computarizada que incorpora unos escáneres de rayos X que generan imágenes tridimensionales con diferentes cortes del interior del organismo.
Estos cortes producidos reciben el nombre de imágenes tomográficas y permiten estudiar diversas regiones internas del cuerpo, desde órganos, huesos y tejidos blandos hasta vasos sanguíneos. A diferencia de la radiografía, que solo proporciona una representación bidimensional, el TAC permite observar las imágenes de forma tridimensional. Con ello, se puede analizar los tejidos con mayor detalle y claridad. Otro de los aspectos a destacar es que el escáner de TAC utiliza una fuente de rayos X y cuenta con una radiación ionizante superior a las de una radiografía.
Durante el procedimiento, el escáner de TAC gira alrededor de la abertura circular de una estructura en forma de rosca llamada Gantry. El paciente permanece recostado en una cama y se inserta en el interior del escáner para que el especialista puedan analizar los tejidos. Los detectores de rayos X se localizan frente a la fuente de rayos X y generan una serie de imágenes a través de diferentes cortes. Posteriormente, son trasmitidas a una computadora donde se puede visualizar y analizar el interior del organismo.
Medio de contraste en el TAC
Al igual que ocurre en las radiografías, es fácil obtener imágenes de las estructuras densas dentro del cuerpo, como por ejemplo los huesos. Sin embargo, los tejidos blandos son más difíciles de visualizar. Por ello, se han desarrollado medios de contraste que incrementan la visibilidad de los tejidos durante una radiografía o TAC. Contienen un conjunto de sustancias que son seguras para los pacientes y permiten detener los rayos X, por lo que los órganos se verán con mayor detalle en la prueba.
Por ejemplo, para examinar el sistema circulatorio, se inyecta en el torrente sanguíneo un medio de contraste intravenoso a base de yodo para iluminar los vasos sanguíneos.
¿Para qué sirve el TAC?
El TAC se utiliza como prueba de diagnóstico clínico, en los estudios de seguimiento para analizar el estado de salud del paciente, en la planificación de tratamientos de radioterapia e, incluso, para el cribado de personas asintomáticas que cuentan con factores de riesgo específicos. Una tomografía computarizada crea imágenes detalladas del cuerpo, que incluyen el cerebro, el tórax, la columna y el abdomen. En concreto, podemos destacar los siguientes usos:
- Ayudar a diagnosticar la presencia de un cáncer o tumor. Es una de las técnicas más utilizadas para examinar la presencia de cáncer colorrectal y cáncer de pulmón.
- Obtener información acerca del estadio de un cáncer.
- Determinar si un cáncer reacciona al tratamiento.
- Detectar el regreso o recurrencia de un tumor.
- Diagnosticar una infección.
- Técnica de apoyo para guiar un procedimiento de biopsia.
- Guiar algunos tratamientos locales, como la crioterapia, ablación con radiofrecuencia y la implantación de semillas radiactivas.
- Planificar la radioterapia de haz externo o la cirugía.
- Estudiar los vasos sanguíneos.
¿Cuándo surgió la tomografía computarizada?
La tomografía computarizada se introdujo en 1971 como una modalidad de rayos X que permitía obtener imágenes axiales del cerebro, por lo que era un método clínico que se utilizaba específicamente en el área de la neurorradiología. Su evolución ha convertido al TAC en una técnica de imagen versátil con la que se obtienen imágenes tridimensionales de cualquier área anatómica. Actualmente, se trata de un equipo de diagnóstico por imagen que cuenta con una amplia gama de aplicaciones médicas en oncología, radiología vascular, cardiología, traumatología o radiología intervencionista.
La evolución: De sus inicios hasta la actualidad
At 1971, se desarrollaron los primeros escáneres TAC de uso clínico. Durante estos primeros años, se utilizaba el escáner- EMI, con el que se podían obtener datos del cerebro y el tiempo de cálculo por imagen era de unos 7 minutos en total. Poco tiempo después, se desarrollaron escáneres aplicables a cualquier parte del cuerpo. En 1973, se empezaron a usar los escáneres axiales, cuyos equipos solamente contaban con una única fila de detectores de rayos X. Posteriormente, fue cuando surgieron los escáneres helicoidales o espirales, que incorporaban múltiples filas de detectores, por lo que su uso clínico tuvo una amplia difusión y son los que se utilizan en la actualidad.
Equipos TAC actuales: Principales mejoras y tipos
La evolución de los equipos ha permitido obtener notables mejoras. En los sistemas actuales, la calidad de la imagen ha mejorado considerablemente y ofrecen tanto una resolución espacial como una resolución de bajo contraste. Además, hoy en día, también se dispone de escáneres TAC diseñados para aplicaciones clínicas específicas. Entre ellos, podemos destacar:
- Equipos de TAC específicos para la planificación de tratamientos en radioterapia: Estos escáneres ofrecen un diámetro de abertura mayor del habitual, por lo que permiten un estudio con un campo de visión más amplio. De este modo, las imágenes que se generan cuentan con mayor detalle y claridad.
- Equipos híbridos que integran escáneres de TAC con otras técnicas de imagen: Actualmente, existen soluciones híbridas. Entre ellas, podemos destacar el escáner TAC que incorpora un tomógrafo por emisión de positrones (PET) o un tomógrafo de emisión de fotón único (SPECT).
- Escáneres especiales para nuevas indicaciones en diagnóstico por imagen: Se han desarrollado equipos de TAC “de doble fuente”, que están equipados con dos tubos de rayos X, y también equipos de TAC “volumétricos”, que incorporan hasta 320 filas de detectores, lo que permite obtener datos completos de los órganos analizados en un único uso.
Principales riesgos
Las pruebas por tomografía computarizada pueden realizar diagnósticos sobre enfermedades y afecciones graves, como cáncer, hemorragia o coágulos de sangre. Un diagnóstico temprano es fundamental para poner solución cuanto antes y poder salvar vidas. Sin embargo, es cierto que es una prueba que presenta algunos riesgos que es importante analizar:
Uno de los principales riesgos del TAC es que utiliza los rayos X, que producen radiación ionizante. Este tipo de radiación puede tener determinados efectos en el organismo y se trata de un riesgo que aumenta con el número de exposiciones a las que se somete una persona. No obstante, el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer por la radiación que emiten los rayos X es generalmente bajo.
Uso en embarazadas y niños
In the case of mujeres embarazadas, no existen riesgos para el bebé si el área del cuerpo donde se realizan las imágenes no es el abdomen o la pelvis. Pero, los profesionales médicos suelen realizar exámenes que no utilicen radiación, como la magnetic resonance imaging o el ultrasonido. En cuanto a los niños, son más sensibles a la radiación ionizante, ya que tienen una esperanza de vida más larga y el riesgo a desarrollar cáncer puede ser mayor en comparación con los adultos.
Reacciones al medio de contraste
Por otro lado, otro aspecto a destacar es que algunos pacientes pueden tener reacciones alérgicas al medio de contraste y, en casos muy puntuales, insuficiencia renal temporal. Ante esta situación, no deben administrarse medios de contraste intravenoso a pacientes con función renal anormal.
Como hemos podido analizar, la tomografía computarizada o TAC resulta de gran utilidad para analizar de forma detallada y precisa ciertos tejidos y órganos internos. Mediante los rayos X, se pueden estudiar ciertas afecciones o enfermedades graves, por lo que es fundamental para el diagnóstico clínico y su aplicación en diferentes campos de la medicina.
Kiko Ramos
CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.
by 4D Medical | Nov 12, 2024 | AI in medicine
The uso de las nuevas tecnología y la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha supuesto un antes y un después para muchos sectores. Uno de ellos ha sido la medicina, donde los últimos avances y aplicaciones se han visto influenciados por el desarrollo de la tecnología. La inteligencia artificial es una especialidad en el campo de la informática que se usa para producir programas a través de una serie de algoritmos que tienen la capacidad de pensar, aprender y tomar decisiones, como lo hacen los humanos.
¿Cómo funciona la IA?
La IA empezó a desarrollarse en la década de los 90 con el objetivo de crear un sistema informático que procesara los datos de forma similar al cerebro humano. Una de las ramas de la inteligencia artificial que más utilidad tiene en el sector sanitario es el aprendizaje automático. Este sistema tiene la capacidad de que las máquinas utilicen los algoritmos y aprendan de los datos, lo que mejora la toma de decisiones con la información procesada.
Mediante la automatización de funciones y tareas, los profesionales sanitarios pueden procesar y analizar los datos médicos de manera más rápida y precisa. Esto tiene un notable impacto en las diferentes áreas del sector sanitario y fomenta una mejora de la gestión sanitaria. Entre los principales usos que ofrece la IA en el ámbito de la salud, encontramos que ayuda a desarrollar y optimizar procesos en el diagnóstico clínico, en la detección y prevención de enfermedades, en la atención sanitaria, en la investigación y en la creación o actualización de nuevos medicamentos.
A su vez, también ha sido determinante en el progreso de la telemedicina y en el desarrollo de tratamientos médicos personalizados. En el siguiente artículo, abordamos las principales aplicaciones de la IA en la medicina y cómo están ayudando a crear un sistema sanitario más completo, ágil y efectivo.
Aplicaciones de la IA en la medicina
En los últimos años, la IA se ha incorporado a la medicina para fomentar una atención al paciente con mayor calidad, acelerar los procesos y lograr un aumento de la precisión diagnóstica. ¿Cuáles son las diferentes áreas en las que actualmente se utiliza la inteligencia artificial y qué mejoras han implicado?
Prevención de enfermedades y diagnóstico precoz
La IA es una herramienta clave en la prevención de enfermedades. Mediante el uso del Big Data, que consiste en la combinación de un conjunto de datos digitales sobre salud, datos genómicos y datos de comportamiento del paciente, se pueden identificar factores de riesgo y patrones que deriven en el desarrollo de ciertas enfermedades.
- Propagación de enfermedades: Por un lado, los algoritmos de machine learning pueden predecir la propagación de enfermedades como la gripe o el COVID-19, anticipándose a picos epidémicos y permitiendo tomar medidas preventivas.
- Detectar señales de enfermedades crónicas: Otra de sus aplicaciones es que se pueden identificar signos tempranos de enfermedades crónicas, como la diabetes o las enfermedades cardíacas. Las enfermedades crónicas se caracterizan por surgir de forma lenta y, en la mayoría de ocasiones, pasan desapercibidas hasta que derivan en complicaciones más graves. Por ello, el uso de la IA resulta de gran utilidad para detectar posibles signos de enfermedades en estudios médicos, como análisis de sangre, imágenes de ultrasonido o electrocardiogramas. En este caso, los algoritmos de la IA pueden detectar patrones de enfermedad cardiovascular a través de imágenes médicas como la magnetic resonance imaging o las tomografías computarizadas.
- Predisposición de enfermedades genéticas: A través del uso de datos genómicos, la inteligencia artificial también puede analizar la predisposición a que surjan enfermedades genéticas. Los algoritmos de la IA se encargan de estudiar los patrones en el ADN para identificar variantes genéticas que podrían indicar un alto riesgo en el desarrollo de ciertas enfermedades. En oncología, se utiliza para poder predecir el riesgo de cáncer de mama o colon, permitiendo a los médicos diseñar planes de prevención personalizados.
Diagnóstico clínico
En el procesamiento e interpretación de imágenes para el diagnóstico, la IA ofrece algoritmos que mejoran la calidad y la precisión del diagnóstico clínico. Permiten reconocer patrones complejos en los datos de las imágenes de forma automática, eliminar el ruido para aumentar su calidad y establecer modelos tridimensionales a partir de imágenes de pacientes concretos. En este campo, podemos destacar la investigación realizada por parte de los investigadores de IBM en torno a un nuevo modelo de IA que puede predecir el desarrollo del cáncer de mama maligno.
Con unas tasas comparables con las obtenidas por los radiólogos humanos, este algoritmo puede aprender y tomar decisiones sobre el desarrollo del cáncer a partir de datos de imágenes y del historial del paciente. En concreto, pudo predecir el 87% de los casos analizados y también pudo interpretar el 77% de los casos no cancerosos. Por tanto, este modelo podría ser una herramienta fundamental para ayudar a los radiólogos a confirmar o desestimar casos positivos de cáncer de mama.
Tratamientos médicos personalizados
Otro de los usos de la IA en medicina es la búsqueda de tratamientos médicos personalizados para cada paciente. En función de un conjunto de factores, como el historial médico, su estilo de vida y su genética, los algoritmos de IA pueden analizar un gran volumen de datos genómicos y biomarcadores para identificar patrones y factores de riesgo.
Con ello, se puede desarrollar un tratamiento médico específico para las necesidades de paciente, incrementando la eficiencia y minimizando la aparición de efectos secundarios. Por ejemplo, en oncología, la IA ayuda a identificar el mejor tratamiento para cada tipo de cáncer, considerando la genética específica del tumor.
Atención sanitaria
La atención al paciente es una de las áreas donde la IA puede proporcionar un gran apoyo, tanto a los profesionales médicos como a los pacientes. En este caso, los asistentes virtuales basados en la IA son una solución idónea para automatizar funciones y tareas. Entre ellas, destacan la gestión de citas, la realización de consultas básicas sobre salud, the evaluación de síntomas y the administración de medicamentos.
Impulso de la telemedicina
Estos sistemas, además, han permitido la evolución de la telemedicina. En este sentido, los profesionales pueden monitorizar a los pacientes que padecen enfermedades crónicas de forma remota y recibir alertas de las posibles anomalías que pueden surgir en su estado de salud. Esto ofrece amplios beneficios a la hora de llegar a un mayor número de pacientes, especialmente a aquellos que viven en regiones que no cuentan con todos los servicios de salud en sus localidades y deben desplazarse para recibir atención médica.
Gestión de recursos en centros médicos y hospitales
Otro aspecto en el que se puede implementar la IA es en la gestión de recursos materiales y humanos en clínicas, hospitales y centros de salud. Examinar grandes cantidades de datos procedentes de registros históricos puede ser esencial para prever los recursos necesarios en una situación concreta, impulsando una mejor gestión y optimización de los recursos disponibles. Esto puede ser de gran ayuda para evitar la saturación de los centros médicos en momentos de alta demanda y poder gestionar el inventario de suministros médicos y la disponibilidad de camas y medicamentos.
Investigación y desarrollo de medicamentos
La inteligencia artificial ha sido fundamental en el desarrollo de la investigación médica, tanto en la creación de nuevos medicamentos como en la optimización de los ensayos clínicos. La integración de la inteligencia artificial en el diseño de fármacos implica un enfoque multidisciplinar que combina tanto conceptos de química y biología como ciencias de la computación para acelerar el descubrimiento de nuevos tratamientos y soluciones médicas.
Para ello, se utilizan los modelos de IA creados con algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y aprendizaje profundo con el objetivo de analizar grandes cantidades de datos sobre compuestos químicos y biológicos y la interacción entre ellos.
Cirugía robótica
Los sistemas de cirugía robótica como Da Vinci utilizan la IA para realizar procedimientos quirúrgicos complejos con mayor control y precisión. Estos robots son controlados por los cirujanos para elaborar pequeñas incisiones, lo que ayuda a reducir el margen de error, realizar cirugías mínimamente invasivas y mejorar los tiempos de recuperación de los pacientes.
Otro aspecto clave en el que se puede aplicar la inteligencia artificial es en la creación de planes quirúrgicos personalizados. En este caso, se utilizan datos de cirugías anteriores para optimizar las técnicas y poder predecir las posibles complicaciones que pueden surgir durante las operaciones.
La IA tiene un papel clave en la formación de los profesionales de la salud. Proporciona múltiples herramientas que ayuda a que los especialistas médicos puedan adquirir y perfeccionar sus habilidades en diferentes áreas, logrando aumentar sus conocimientos de forma más eficiente y personalizada.
Por un lado, las simulaciones médicas a través de la IA permiten que los estudiantes puedan poner en práctica procedimientos complejos y reducir el riesgo de errores. A su vez, destacan las plataformas de aprendizaje que utilizan la IA para ajustar los contenidos educativos en función del nivel de conocimiento que tenga el estudiante, con el propósito de obtener una mayor eficacia en el proceso de aprendizaje.
En resumen, la IA tiene una gran cantidad de aplicaciones en medicina y cada vez existen nuevas mejoras e innovaciones que ayudan a seguir avanzando en el sector sanitario.
APD. (s.f.).
Aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial en la medicina. Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección. Recuperado de,efectividad%20y%20reduciendo%20efectos%20secundarios.
Sanofi. (s.f.). Inteligencia artificial en la salud. Campus Sanofi. Recuperado de
Pakdemirli, E. (2020). Artificial intelligence in radiology: Friend or foe? Radiology, 297(3), 509-510.
Sánchez Rosado, E. J., & Díez Parra, A. (2022). Inteligencia artificial en medicina: aplicaciones y desafíos. Economía Industrial, 423, 49-63. Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Recuperado de
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. (2021). Inteligencia artificial en la medicina: el futuro de la salud. UNIA Blog. Recuperado de
United States National Library of Medicine. (2020). Artificial intelligence in healthcare and the implications for patient safety. JAMA Network Open, 3(4), e200033. Recuperado de
Asociación Mexicana de la Industria de Tecnologías de Información. (s.f.). Inteligencia artificial en salud: Transformación digital para el cuidado de la salud en México. Recuperado de
Merly Dayana Jurado-Sánchez, Eddy Maritza Pedroza-Charris, Blanca Mery Rolón-Rodríguez. (2021) ¿Cómo ha ayudado la inteligencia artificial en la medicina?. Convicciones, 8 (16), 6-20.
Kiko Ramos
CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.
by 4D Medical | Nov 5, 2024 | News
The Principality of Asturias Health Service (Sespa) has received 54 state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners 1.7 million euros. Following the award of the Diagximag public contract in April 2024, the delivery of the equipment was signed on September 30. The ultrasound scanners, which were delivered during the months of July and August, represent a very important step forward in the modernization and digitalization of the healthcare sector in the Asturian region.
How are Diagximag's state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners different?
The company of Asturian origin, Diagximag4D Médica, a subsidiary of 4D Médica and part of the group Substrate AIhas about state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners which offers a complete imaging solution. These Samsung-branded medical devices combine advanced technology and precision imaging of the different organs, tissues and internal structures of the body. It is an essential tool for diagnosing medical conditions, monitoring the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy, and for guiding certain medical procedures, such as biopsies and tissue extraction. Below, we analyze the main features that define Diagximag ultrasound scanners:
- Equipment includes artificial intelligence and remote controlOne of the innovations of Diagximag ultrasound scanners is that they allow ultrasound scans to be performed using artificial intelligence. They differ in that they include the Sonosync function that allows radiologists to control the equipment completely remotely. In other words, from their own home, they can diagnose patients as if they were present at the medical center.
- High image resolutionThey have a very good image resolution and incorporate Doppler technology, so that tissues and blood flow can be visualized with total clarity. This allows to visualize detailed images and perform a complete diagnosis of the area of the body to be analyzed.
- Intuitive design for multiple uses in the clinical settingIn addition to their multiple functions, ultrasound scanners have an intuitive design that facilitates their use in different clinical environments. A fundamental aspect when it comes to increasing the efficiency of medical diagnostics.
What advantages and innovations do they offer in diagnostic imaging?
The ultrasounds are one of the most widely used medical techniques today, because it is a convenient, inexpensive, safe and non-invasive test. The medical devices used to perform this highly demanded test are ultrasound scanners. They have a rod-shaped toolcalled transducerwhich is responsible for detecting the waves produced inside the body. Through the use of a special gel which is applied to the skin of the area to be examined and the use of a computerThe images are displayed on the screen, which provide the information on fabrics.
The innovative technology based on the application of AI not only enhances the medical diagnostic experience, but also offers a major progress in telemedicine. In this way, the following can be realized rapid diagnostics no matter where the specialist is located. With this, it is possible to reach more regionsas there are many localities that do not have all medical services in health centers. The use of state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners means that more patients can receive a quick and accurate diagnosis, avoiding the need to travel to other regions that have more resources.
The use of these ultrasound scanners incorporating the latest technology provides an improvement in the health sector, so that now the Asturian region will be able to offer an effective and high quality diagnostic imaging, reducing efforts and limitations.
by 4D Medical | Oct 31, 2024 | Medical equipment, Medical techniques
The magnetic resonance imagingalso known by its acronym IRM, is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique which produces three-dimensional anatomical images. The MRI uses powerful magnets and radiofrequency waves which allow the creation of detailed images of the organs, tissues and internal structures of the body. Unlike other methods such as radiography or computed axial tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to create detailed images of organs, tissues and structures inside the body. does not use ionizing radiation or X-raysIt is a safe, painless medical test that does not cause any harm to the patient.
This is one of the most widely used techniques for the production of medical diagnostics, analyze the different tissues and check for any disease, injury or abnormality.. MRI is used by health professionals to examine certain parts of the body and to study the differences existing between healthy and unhealthy tissuesas well as tissues that present abnormal conditions. MRI allows the creation of detailed three-dimensional images to examine organs such as the brain, spine, joints such as the knee, shoulder, hip, wrist and ankle; the abdomen, pelvic region, breasts, blood vessels and heart, among other regions.
To perform a MRI examinationis used, a magnetic resonance medical equipment. In this procedure, the patient is placed inside an MRI scanner. We can define it as a large circular apparatus which is open at both ends. Once the patient is inside the MRI equipment, a series of signals and radio waves are produced and detected by a receiver inside the device. Subsequently, the cross-sectional images of tissues that are visualized through a computer.
What is this process like and what does MRI detect? In the following article, we explain the origin of this medical technique and how it works, as well as its advantages and limitations.
Origin of magnetic resonance imaging
In 1946, Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell independently discovered the magnetic resonance phenomenonfor which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1952. But, actually, its development as a chemical and physical molecular analysis procedure took place in the period between 1950 and 1970. Beginning in 1971, Raymond Damadian demonstrated that MRI relaxation times differed between healthy and tumor tissues, which led scientists to begin to study this technique for the diagnosis of diseases.
At the same time, in 1973 Hounsfield introduced another of today's most widely used medical techniques: computed tomography (CT), which uses X-rays. The success of TAC The results showed that hospitals were willing to invest in the development of new diagnostic imaging equipment, which also drove the development of MRI. In the same year, Paul Lauterbur obtained the first magnetic resonance image, using a back projection technique similar to that of computed axial tomography.
As of 1980sthe gradual implementation of MRI in clinical practiceto the current situation. Today, magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most widely used diagnostic imaging techniques.
How does MRI work?
The human body is composed mainly of water and fat, so that hydrogen atoms account for 63% of the total number of atoms in the body. The hydrogen nucleuswhich consists of a proton, is used in magnetic resonance imaging because it acts like a powerful magnet that generates a magnetic field around the patient's body. MRI is a diagnostic imaging method based on the absorption and emission of energy in the form of a set of radiofrequency signals within the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. The radiofrequency used in MRI produces frequencies of between 15 and 80 megahertz, making it a non-ionizing radiation that is harmless to the body.
In an MRI exam, the patient is placed inside an MRI scanner. magnetic resonance scanner which produces radio waves that interact with the protons, generating a series of radio frequency signals that are detected by a receiver inside the device. All these signals emitted and detected by the scanner's antenna are processed in a computer, where they are detailed images of the fabrics and inside the organism that allow the medical diagnosis to be made.
Specifically, a MRI equipment consists of the following elements:
- External magnet
- Magnetic field gradients
- Radio frequency transmitter
- Radio frequency receiving antennas
- Computer
How is an MRI exam performed?
To perform an MRI exam, a medical MRI machine is used, where the patient is introduced into a large device that has a circular shape and is open at the ends. This procedure is performed in a special room housing the MRI system or scanner. A member of the MRI staff accompanies the patient into the room, where he/she will be asked to lie down on a padded table and then be introduced into the machine to begin the MRI diagnosis.
Before the test
The majority of diagnoses have a duration between 15 and 45 minutesdepending on the part of the body to be tested and the number of images needed. Before the test, the person must partially or completely undress and is provided with a gown that has no buttons or metal fasteners. It is important to leave all metal objects and other items that could be affected by the magnetic field outside the MRI room. For example, keys, jewelry, cell phones, credit cards or watches.
During the test
It is important that the patient remains still and relaxed.. In some examinations, an intravenous injection of a contrast material called gadolinium to obtain a clearer image of the area to be examined. To do this, at the beginning of the medical test, a nurse will place an intravenous line into a vein in the patient's arm or hand using a small needle.
On the other hand, it should be noted that the magnetic resonance system can produce certain loud noises during the procedure. To prevent any problems associated with noise, earplugs are provided. For the duration of the diagnosis, the patient will be monitored at all times and will be able to communicate with a medical professional via an intercom.
After the test
Once you have completed the exam, images will be reviewed by a radiologistwho will subsequently inform the physician of the results of the MRI examination.
MRI in medical practice
Magnetic resonance imaging is a procedure used to study the differences that exist between healthy and unhealthy tissues, as well as other regions of the human body that present abnormal conditions. Nowadays, it is one of the most widely used diagnostic imaging techniques and it allows for detect a large number of diseases and abnormalities in virtually all regions of the body:
- HeadCentral nervous system, orbit, face and skull.
- Neck.
- SpineSpinal cord, meninges, bone spine and intervertebral discs.
- Chestespecially at the cardiovascular level.
- Abdomenliver, biliary tract, spleen, pancreas, urinary tract, genital tract and pelvis.
- Large joints and extremities.
What does MRI detect?
MRI is often prioritized over CT scanning when the physician needs to have more detail about the soft tissues. For example, it helps to obtain images of abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord, muscles and liver. It is also very useful in identifying tumors in these tissues. MRI has the following clinical applications:
- Morphological applicationsDefinition of congenital anomalies, traumatic pathology, detection and extension of tumors,
degenerative diseases, vascular pathology, inflammatory processes and infectious pathology.
- Functional applicationsThese are functional brain MRI studies and functional cardiac studies.
- Tissue analysis applicationsMRI spectroscopy, chemical shift studies, perfusion studies and diffusion studies.
This diagnostic technique is also used to analyze other types of conditions and as an alternative to other procedures that present greater risks:
- Measuring the presence of certain molecules in the brain that distinguish a tumor from an abscess.
- Identify alterations in the female genitalia and fractures in the hip and pelvis.
- Perform the valuation of certain common joint anomaliessuch as torn knee ligaments or cartilage and sprains.
- Study and evaluate bleeding and other infections.
- MRI is applied when the The risks of performing a CT scan are high.. Especially, it can be used in people who have had a reaction to iodinated contrast media in a CT scan and for pregnant women, because radiation can cause problems in the fetus.
Types of magnetic resonance imaging
We can distinguish between different types of MRI:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging or fMRI
fMRI is used for observe the structures and functioning of the brain. It measures the small changes in blood flow that occur in brain activity. This type of test helps detect abnormalities within the brain that cannot be found with other imaging techniques.
Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging
Professionals can use this type of magnetic resonance imaging for to estimate the blood flow in a particular area. It is useful in determining whether the blood supply to the brain has been reduced when a stroke. It also serves to identify areas where blood flow is increased, such as in the case of the tumors.
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
It is used to detect changes in the water movements of cells that are not functioning normally. It helps to identifying early stages of strokes, detect brain disordersanalyze whether a tumor has spread o differentiate a brain abscess from a tumor.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
This type of test is used for detect brain disordersThe method can distinguish between dead tissue within an abscess and the presence of multiplying cells within a tumor. Specifically, this method can distinguish between dead tissue within an abscess and the presence of multiplying cells within a tumor. In turn, it is used to to assess metabolic disorders of the muscles and nervous system.
Magnetic resonance angiography
Provides detailed images of blood vesselsIt is used to assess the blood vessels of the brain, heart, abdominal organs, arms and legs. In particular, this technique is used to analyze aortic aneurysms, aortic dissection, narrowing of the arteries of the extremities, thrombi in the veins of the extremities, blood flow to tumors and tumors affecting the blood vessels.
Magnetic resonance venography
This is a magnetic resonance imaging of veins. Detects the cerebral venous thrombosisThe presence of thrombi in a vein that carries blood from the brain.
Advantages of magnetic resonance imaging
MRI has established itself as a safe, accurate and effective diagnostic imaging method. Currently, MRI stands out for offering many advantages, which has led to the prioritization of this technique over other procedures, especially computed tomography, radiological tests and ultrasoundsWhat are the advantages?
- It is a non-invasive, safe and painless scanning technique. It does not use ionizing radiation or nephrotoxic contrast media and does not produce adverse effects in patients.
- MRI is a test that helps to assess both the structure of an organ and its functioning.
- Provides a high spatial, temporal and tissue resolution for tissue differentiationTherefore, MRI has an important role in the early diagnosis of soft tissue diseases.
- It has three-dimensional capabilityThe system provides detailed, cross-sectional images of the tissues and organs to be examined. In this way, it makes it possible to detect anomalies that could be hidden by the bones when other diagnostic methods are used.
- Allows you to to perform functional studies. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging or fMRI is a medical test used to examine the parts of the brain that are handling critical functions, evaluate the effects of stroke or other diseases, as well as guide brain treatment.
Limitations and risks of magnetic resonance imaging
However, it also presents some risks and disadvantages that are important to analyze:
Increased diagnostic time and cost
The time required to perform an MRI scan is high. For this reason, CT is often used in emergency situations, such as severe injuries and strokes. In turn, the economic cost is higher and there is a limitation in availability compared to other imaging techniques.
Anxiety and claustrophobia problems
The magnetic resonance equipment is a small, enclosed spaceThe patient may feel a feeling of claustrophobia or anxiety. For this purpose, the patient may be given an anxiolytic, such as alprazolam or lorazepam, prior to the start of the examination.
Currently, there are also open magnetic resonance scannerswhich offer an open side and a wider interior. This makes people can reduce claustrophobia and obese people can access more easily. However, the images produced may be of lower quality. But despite this, such open devices can be used for diagnostics.
Magnetic field effects
The presence of implanted metallic devices or materials in the patient's body can produce certain adverse effects. The magnetic field used in this medical technique is very powerful and always active, which can cause the devices to shift, overheat or malfunction. In addition, they can also distort the images generated.
Among these devices are the cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, cochlear implants and metallic magnetic clicks used in the treatment of aneurysms. However, other devices such as dental implants, hip replacements or spinal straightening rods have none of these effects. Therefore, it is important that people who have any implanted devices inform the physician before making an IMR diagnosis.
Reactions to contrast agent
The gadolinium contrast media can lead to a number of reactionsThe most common symptoms are headache, nausea, pain and cold sensation in the area where the injection is made, distortion of taste and dizziness. However, it should be pointed out that these contrast agents present lesser reactions than iodinated contrast media used in CT scans and CT angiography.
In conclusion, magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic imaging technique that provides detailed, cross-sectional imaging examinations that are essential in the detection of disease and for studying virtually all regions of the human body.
Kiko Ramos
CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.
by 4D Medical | Oct 23, 2024 | Medical equipment, Medical techniques
An ultrasound, also called a sonogram or ultrasound, is an ultrasound scan. diagnostic imaging test that uses the sound waves to create images of organs, tissues and internal structures of the organism. It is a simple, safe and non-invasive technique which allows health professionals to analyze and observe the inside of the body without surgery. In other words, it is a diagnostic technique that no need to make any incisions or use ionizing radiationas in the case of X-rays.
It stands out for being a comfortable, economical and painless test. It is mainly used for diagnose various medical conditionshealth monitoring and development of the baby during pregnancy and guide certain medical proceduresThe main objective is to perform biopsies, tissue extraction and other techniques that require diagnostic imaging.
How does an ultrasound scan work?
An ultrasound is a technique that emits a series of mechanical waves that have a frequency above the hearing ability of the human ear and allow create two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. These images are called sonograms and are performed with specific equipment. The medical devices that allow these diagnoses to be performed are ultrasound scanners. They have a tool rod-shaped which is known as transducerr and is responsible for detecting the waves produced in the different tissues, organs and fluids of the body. These are then picked up again by the transducer and converted into electrical signals.
In order to analyze the waves, a special gel on the skin in the area to be examined. Through the use of a computer, these signals are processed to create a real-time image of internal structures of the organism. The images produced are visualized on the screen and provide information on movements that are occurring, the distance at which a fabric is locatedas well as its size, shape and composition.
Types of ultrasound scans: Uses and main differences
We can find different types of ultrasound: ultrasound in pregnancy, diagnostic medical ultrasound, guided ultrasound, as well as 3D and 4D ultrasound. Let's see their main differences:
Ultrasound in pregnancy
Ultrasound in pregnancy, also known as obstetrical ultrasound, is a diagnostic imaging test that provides the visualization of the fetus inside the mother's uterus. As it is an ultrasound technique that does not involve radiation, it is a safe technique for mother and baby.
What is fetal ultrasound used for?
It allows analysis of the baby's growth, health and general development. In particular, it provides the following information:
- Confirmation of pregnancy.
- Verification of multiple pregnancy (twins and triplets).
- Knowledge of the gestational age. That is, how far along the pregnancy is.
- Analysis of the sizethe position of the fetus, the growth and the sex of the baby.
- Diagnosis of congenital defects in the various parts of the baby's body, such as the brain, heart or spinal cord.
- Study of the existing amount of amniotic fluid. It is essential for the development of the baby's lungs and bones, as well as to protect the baby from injury.
- Identify problems in the placenta, uterus, cervix and ovaries of the mother.
- Information on possible signs that could indicate an increase in the number of risk of Down syndrome.
Diagnostic medical ultrasound
Diagnostic medical ultrasound is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of study of diseases or possible health problems in the patient. This type of test is used when a person detects certain symptoms that are important to analyze. Using this type of ultrasound, medical professionals can study various medical conditions involving different parts of the body. Depending on the area to be analyzedwe can distinguish different modalities of diagnostic medical ultrasound scans:
- Abdominal ultrasoundIt focuses on the observation of the internal structure of the abdomen. It allows to analyze organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, liver, gallbladder and spleen.
- Vaginal ultrasoundVaginal ultrasound: This test is used to analyze the uterus, ovaries, endometrium, cervix, fallopian tubes and pelvic area of the woman. Vaginal or tansvaginal ultrasound is used to detect possible gynecological conditions, such as the presence of ovarian cysts, fibroids and uterine fibroids, abnormalities in the menstrual cycle, certain types of infertility and pelvic pain.
- Rectal ultrasoundRectal examination: Consists in the evaluation of the rectum to study the prostate and bladder function.
- Renal ultrasoundKidney ultrasound: Evaluates the condition of the kidneys, both the size, location and shape, as well as their adjacent structures. This type of ultrasound helps detect the presence of tumors, cysts and renal obstructions.
- Breast ultrasoundIt is used to detect abnormalities in the breast tissue, such as the presence of cysts. It is often used as a backup technique after mammography.
- Cervical and thyroid ultrasoundAnalyzes the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck. It is essential to study possible health problems that may arise, such as the appearance of nodules, cysts and structural alterations. It is also used to analyze the salivary glands.
- Doppler or vascular ultrasoundThe speed and direction of blood flow in the heart and blood vessels can be analyzed with this ultrasound. It allows to measure the blood circulation in the different organs of the body, as well as the neck, arms and legs. It is an essential test to diagnose possible blockages, narrowing and problems in the circulatory system.
- Muscle ultrasoundMusculoskeletal ultrasound: This ultrasound is also called musculoskeletal ultrasound. It explores the different muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursae, cartilage, joints and bone surfaces, making it possible to detect the presence of injuries, tendinitis, degenerative problems and other conditions of the muscular tissues.
Guided ultrasound
Guided ultrasound is a technique used for the diagnosis and treatment of development of ultrasound-guided procedures. It is used to guide health care professionals in the Performing tissue biopsies, tissue aspiration and removal, catheter placement, abscess drainage and percutaneous injections.. This technique consists of the introduction of a needle or catheter into the area of the body to be tested. Transducer advancement is controlled in real time, allowing the needle to be steered for more accurate medical diagnosis.
This type of ultrasound can be performed in two ways: through devices adapted to the probes or through the hands-free techniquewhere the professional holds the needle with one hand and the probe with the other hand.
3D and 4D ultrasound
The technological advances in the field of medicine allow the images generated in an ultrasound scan to be displayed in 3D and 4D. The 3D ultrasound scans emerged at the end of the 1990s and offer a wide range of high-resolution static images with a three-dimensional perspective. Currently, the systems used are based on mechanical transducerswhich make it possible to obtain images in the three perpendicular planes. Thus, in the image, the following can be seen transverse, longitudinal and coronal sections. As for the 4D ultrasound scansincorporate a technology that captures motion in real timeThis provides a closer and more realistic reproduction of what is happening inside the organism.
In which cases are 3D and 4D ultrasound scans used?
The 3D ultrasound scans are used in pregnancy and in various specialties. such as gastroenterology, gynecology and obstetrics, breast and uterine pathology and cardiology. It also plays an essential role in vascular surgery, urology, rheumatology and traumatology.
For their part, the 4D ultrasound scans are used during pregnancy to analyze the baby's development. By providing real-time motion, shows the gestures and movements made by the baby inside the uterus and also serves to detect possible problems and anomalies. It is recommended to be performed around the 28th week of gestation.This is the moment when the fetus is more developed and its features are more similar to those of a newborn. At the same time, in 4D ultrasounds, it is essential that there is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid. This is a fundamental aspect for the ultrasound waves to be transmitted properly. Otherwise, the image will be displayed with lower quality, so it would not be advisable to use this technique.
However, it should be noted that 3D and 4D ultrasound scans are not a substitute for follow-up ultrasound scans. which must be performed at 12, 20 and 32 weeks of gestation. Therefore, it is a complementary test for more information on fetal growth.
Innovations in the field of ultrasound
In the field of diagnostic imaging, the ultrasound scanners are the devices used to perform ultrasound scans. In recent years, numerous advances have led to the development of a new type of ultrasound system. medical equipment adapted to new needs of medical centers, hospitals and health professionals.
In addition to the traditional ultrasound scanners that allow a simple and safe test to be performed, the following have emerged new generation ultrasound scanners that use the latest technology and are equipped with artificial intelligence. This type of ultrasound scanners are portable and are characterized by the fact that they can be used completely remotely. In this way, professionals do not have to be present in medical centers and can reach many more regions and patients. Undoubtedly, a a key aspect to boost telemedicine and create fast, complete and accurate diagnostics.
In conclusion, ultrasound scans are one of the most important The most widely used medical diagnostic imaging techniques in use today. This is because it is an easy, safe and non-invasive test that is very useful for diagnosing certain medical conditions, for analyzing the development of the baby during pregnancy and also as a support technique for other procedures. In most cases, ultrasound is part of the first diagnosis to then evaluate how to proceed and what other tests should be performed when treating an ailment or disease.
IMQ. (n. d.) What is an ultrasound and what types are there? IMQ Health Channel.
Your Health Channel. (n. d.). 4D Ultrasound: What you need to know.
MedlinePlus (n. d.). Ultrasound.
MyDiagnosis (n. d.). Ultrasound: procedure, uses and advantages.
Del Cura, J. L., Zabala, R., & Corta, I. (2009). Intervencionismo guiado por ecografía: lo que todo radiólogo debe conocer / US-guided interventional procedures: what a radiologist needs to know. Radiology, 52(3).
Kiko Ramos
CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.