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The importance of radioprotection in the clinical environment

The importance of radioprotection in the clinical environment

The radioprotection is the set of measures, standards and practices aimed at protecting people, the environment and the surroundings from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. In the clinical setting, the aim of radiation protection is to ensuring the safe use of radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for patients and healthcare personnel, minimizing the associated risks.

What is radioprotection?

The ionizing radiation is a fundamental tool in modern medicine. It is used in procedures of diagnostic imaging that use X-rays, such as conventional radiography, digital radiology, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) and interventional radiologyRadiology, a branch of radiology that diagnoses and treats various pathologies by means of minimally invasive procedures. In turn, it is also used in radiotherapy treatmentsThe aim of this program is the destruction of tumor cells and tissues by means of radiation, and in the nuclear medicine.

However, its improper or excessive use can have harmful consequences for people's health.. These include tissue damage or increased risk of cancer in the long term. For this reason, it is of great importance in the clinical environment and requires a sound management. In this sense, the discipline of Radiation ProtectionThe company, which employs professionals such as physicists, physicians, biologists and engineers, is working to ensure that the development and application of technologies that use ionizing radiation are safe.

Basic principles of radiation protection

The Radiation Protection System is based on three fundamental principles that have been established by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP):

1. Justification

Any procedure involving the use of ionizing radiation must be medically indicated. This means that the benefits of the procedure must clearly outweigh the risks associated with radiological exposure.

2. Optimization (ALARA Principle)

Exposure should be kept "as low as reasonably achievable". This principle is referred to as ALARA and ensures that the lowest dose necessary to obtain clinical results is used.

3. Dose limitation

Strict dose limits must be established to protect both healthcare personnel and patients, preventing exposure from exceeding levels considered safe. This principle is oriented to the protection of persons exposed to radiation sources.

Application of the Radiological Protection System in the clinical environment.

In the clinical environment, the Radiation Protection System is implemented through a structured approach that includes the following aspects:

Design and maintenance of installations

The rooms of X-raysCT scans, CT scans or TAC and radiotherapy must be equipped with adequate shielding that minimizes radiation scattering. In turn, it is essential to carry out periodic inspections to guarantee the correct functioning of medical equipment and that they do not emit an unnecessary dose of radiation.

Equipment quality control

The following must be implemented preventive maintenance and calibration programs to ensure that the equipment operates efficiently within the established limits. Another key aspect is incorporate advanced technologies that allow automatic adjustment of radiation doses according to the patient's characteristics. To this end, digital radiology medical equipment will make it possible to optimize the amount of radiation, increasing safety in the healthcare environment for both medical staff and patients.

Staff training

One of the strategies to promote radioprotection in the clinical setting is to to train health professionals on the safe use of medical equipment that emit ionizing waves and which, in turn, have knowledge of the three principles of radioprotection. In this way, through appropriate training, it will be possible to promote the development of a safety culture to ensure the application of good practices in daily work in the health sector.

Radiation protection measures

Radiation protection in the clinical environment is essential to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare personnel from the risks associated with ionizing radiation. To this end, various strategies and tools designed to minimize unnecessary exposure are implemented, respecting the principles of justification, optimization and dose limitation.

Protection of healthcare personnel

Personnel working in areas where ionizing radiation is used must be adequately protected to avoid cumulative exposure that may pose a long-term risk. Key measures include:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Professionals should wear leaded aprons, thyroid protectors, leaded goggles and gloves that are specifically designed to reduce direct exposure to radiation.
  • Dose monitoringIt is mandatory for health personnel to record the amount of radiation accumulated. This monitoring ensures that the dose does not exceed the limits established by the regulations in force.
  • Staff turnoverTo minimize exposure time, personnel rotation is organized in tasks involving the handling of radiation-emitting equipment. In this way, the exposure load is evenly distributed.

Patient protection

Patients should also be protected from unnecessary radiation exposure, especially considering that they are often exposed in a timely manner but with high doses in some diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. The most relevant measures are:

  • CollimationIt is essential to limit the area of the body that is exposed to radiation by using collimation systems that focus the radiation beam only on the area of interest. This reduces the amount of tissue irradiated and thus the associated risks.
  • Optimized protocolsModern equipment makes it possible to adjust the exposure parameters (such as energy and radiation time) according to the specific characteristics of each patient. This makes it possible to deliver a minimum dose without compromising the quality of the radiation dose. medical images or treatment.
  • Repetition controlTo avoid unnecessary repetitions of radiological studies, it is essential that the staff is well trained and that the equipment is functioning optimally. This ensures that the images obtained are of diagnostic quality on the first attempt.

Signaling and delimitation of areas

Facilities using ionizing radiation must have proper signage and access control to protect those not involved in the procedures. These measures include:

  • SignageVisible signs should be posted indicating radiological risk areas and exposure levels, warning people of the need to wear appropriate protection or to avoid entry.
  • Delimitation of areasIonizing radiation: Access to areas where ionizing radiation is used should be restricted. Its use should be limited to authorized personnel, thus avoiding accidental exposure of third parties or the general public.

In conclusion, radiation protection in the clinical setting is a shared responsibility that requires the collaboration of professionals, patients and regulatory bodies. Applying protection principles and measures not only ensures safety, but also improves the quality of medical care.


Nuclear Safety Council (CSN). (n.d.). Radiation protection in the healthcare environment. Retrieved from

Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN). (n.d.). Radioprotection. Medical dictionary. Retrieved from

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

Parts of a mammography machine, operation and advantages

Parts of a mammography machine, operation and advantages

The mammography is a technique of diagnostic imaging which uses a system of low-dose X-rays to examine the inside of the breasts. This is a medical test that consists of performing a breast radiography. When performing a mammogram, a mammography machine is used. specific equipment: the mammograph. It is a medical equipment that is specifically designed to capture X-ray images with a high resolution to detect signs and irregularities in breast tissue. The design and the different parts of a mammography equipment allow using a minimum dose of radiation during the test, making it an effective, fast and safe examination.

Health professionals use this test to look for early signs of disease in breast tissue. Among them, breast cancer. The mammography test is called mammogram and its main purpose is to detect abnormalities such as tumors, cysts or microcalcifications in the breast. We analyze, below, what mammography consists of, how the mammogram works and its different parts.


Mammography: What is mammography and types of mammograms?

The use of the mammograph is used as a screening tool for early detection of breast cancer in womenA mammogram is used both in women who have no symptoms and to diagnose the presence of abnormalities in women who notice breast irregularities. A mammography examination or mammogram exposes the woman to a small dose of ionizing radiation to generate medical images of the inside of the breasts. We can differentiate between two types of mammography:

Screening mammography

A screening mammogram is performed in women who have no signs or symptoms of breast cancer. This type of mammography should be performed periodically in women from the age of 40 as a form of prevention. By means of this diagnostic test, it is possible to detect irregularities in the breast tissue, such as tumors, cysts or microcalcifications. Screening for breast disease at early stages, especially breast cancer, provides a range of advantages:

  • Allows the identification of tumors before they are palpable. or present visible symptoms.
  • Enables treatment to be initiated in the early stagesbefore the disease has spread.

According to different studies, it has been proven that the screening mammography screening decreases breast cancer morbidity rates by detecting the disease at treatable stages, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

2. Diagnostic mammography

Diagnostic mammography is used when a woman presents symptomsas lumps, pain, discharge or changes in the skin of the breast. It is also used when an abnormality is detected on a screening mammogram or detection. This type of examination allows the affected area to be studied in greater detail and thus identify whether the breast condition is benign or malignant.


Mammograph operation

The medical equipment The mammogram is a specialized medical device that allows the analysis of breast tissue and the presence of abnormalities. This is specialized medical equipment that uses X-rays to generate medical images of the inside of the breasts. How a mammogram works consists of several stages:

Preparation of the patient

The process begins with the positioning of the patient in front of the mammograph. During the mammogram, a radiology professional will positions the breast on a flat platform of the mammography equipmentwhere the breast will be gradually compressed. The specialized technician will guide the patient to ensure proper posture and perform the medical test.

2. Breast compression

Once the breast is positioned, an adjustable compressor descends to press on the breast tissue gently, but firmly.

3. X-ray emission

The tube of X-rays of the mammogram emits a controlled beam of radiation passing through compressed breast tissue. This radiation is absorbed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the density of the tissue:

  • The dense tissuessuch as tumors or microcalcifications, absorb more radiation. They appear clearer and brighter in the images.
  • On the other hand, the fatty tissues absorb less radiation and appear darker.

4. Image capture

The radiation passing through the breast is captured by a detector which transforms the data into a digital image or radiographic film. Modern mammographs are often equipped with digital technology that allows images to be stored and processed on a computer.

Subsequently, these generated medical images can be integrated in the RIS system to automate the management of medical imaging data and information, facilitating its analysis and comparison with previous studies.

5. Variation of angles and views

To ensure a complete evaluation of the breast tissue, images are captured from different angles. The different perspectives help physicians identify abnormalities that may not be visible in a single view. The views that are analyzed in a mammography study are:

  • Craniocaudal (CC)This is a top-down view.
  • Mediolateral oblique (MLO)This type of slanted view allows a greater amount of breast tissue to be studied, especially that close to the axilla.

6. Image analysis

Once the images have been obtained, a specialized radiologist reviews the results for possible abnormalitiesas cysts, calcifications, tumors or suspicious tissue changes. Nowadays, digital images offer many advantages, since they allow adjusting contrast and brightness to improve image quality, obtaining a more efficient and accurate diagnosis.


The mammograph: Parts and components

A mammogram is composed of several elements that work together to ensure clear and accurate images. Each component has a specific function that contributes to the quality of the diagnosis and the safety of the procedure. What are the main parts of a mammography machine?

X-ray tube

The X-ray tube is the component responsible for generating the X-ray beam that passes through the breast tissue. and subsequently produce high quality images. The mammograph uses a lower radiation doses than standard X-rays. This is because, since x-rays do not pass through this area easily, the mammography equipment is designed with two plates that compress and flatten the breast to separate the breast tissue. In this way, a higher quality medical image can be created and the amount of radiation during the exam can be reduced.

2. Compressor

The compressor is a movable plate that descends to press the breast against the mammography platform. Its function is to compress the breast tissue gently and firmly, providing the following advantages:

  • Reducing the thickness of breast tissue to improve the visualization of internal structures.
  • Minimizing X-ray scatteringThe image quality is improved.
  • Avoid blurred images caused by the involuntary movement of the patient.
  • Allowing the use of a lower dose of radiationmaking the procedure safer.

3. Support platform

The support platform is a flat surface on which the breast is positioned during mammography. It provides a stable and firm foothold, ensuring that the breast tissue is correctly positioned for sharp, detailed images.

4. Detector

The detector is the component that captures the radiation passing through the breast tissue and converts it into an image.. Depending on the type of mammograph, it can be of different types:

  • DigitalX-ray: Converts X-rays into electronic data that is processed and stored in a computer, facilitating detailed and rapid analysis.
  • Radiographic filmThis type of detector is used in analog mammographs, where the image is printed on a special film.

5. Collimator

The collimator is a structure that directs and confines the X-ray beam to the specific area of the breast that needs to be examined. This component prevents other areas of the body from receiving unnecessary radiation, making the procedure safer.

6. High voltage generator

The high-voltage generator is responsible for supplying the energy necessary for the X-ray tube to function correctly. It regulates the intensity and duration of the X-rays, adapting to the needs of each scan.

7. Control station

The control station is the panel or computer from which the technician operates the mammography machine. Allows you to adjust the parameters of the examinationIt also ensures that the procedure is performed in a precise and customized manner for each patient. It also ensures that the procedure is performed accurately and customized for each patient.

8. Positioning system

The positioning system includes mechanisms for adjusting the height, tilt and angle of the mammography machineThe system can be adapted to the physical characteristics of each patient. This system facilitates the imaging from different perspectivesobtaining a complete analysis of the breast tissue.

9. Image processing software

In digital mammographs, the digital mammogram processing software medical images is an advanced tool that improves the quality of captured images. Allows adjustment of contrast, brightness and other parameters to highlight specific details, as well as compare current images with previous studies, facilitating a more accurate diagnosis.

10. Security system

The mammogram is equipped with a safety system that ensures that radiation exposure is minimized and safe for the patient. In addition, some devices are equipped with sensors that automatically stop the process if a problem is detected technical or positioning.


Advantages of mammography

The mammograph is an essential medical device for the detection, diagnosis and follow-up of breast diseases, especially breast cancer. Its use not only allows early identification of abnormalities, but also contributes to more effective treatment planning. What are its main advantages?

Prevention and early detection of diseases

The mammograph is capable of identify abnormalities in breast tissue in early stages or even before symptoms and signs are visible. The early detection is key to significantly increasing the chances of successful treatment, as it allows the disease to be addressed before it develops to an advanced stage.

In turn, the periodic mammograms are performed is a fundamental strategy for the prevention of breast cancer in women. By detecting breast cancer in its early stages, it helps to reduce the mortality associated with this disease and improves the quality of life of patients.

Non-invasive, fast and safe procedure

Mammography is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that uses a minimal dose of X-rays, meeting strict safety standards. The mammography exam is fast and efficient. It usually has a duration between 10 and 30 minutesdepending on the type of mammography performed:

  1. The screening mammogramsDuration: Its duration is between 10 and 20 minutes.
  2. The diagnostic mammogramsThey have a longer life, between 15 and 30 minutesThey include different views and images to analyze the area in a specific way.

High precision imaging

Modern mammographs, especially digital mammographs and those using 3D technology (tomosynthesis), provide high-resolution images that allow the breast tissue to be analyzed in great detail. This precision facilitates the detection of small or subtle irregularities and improves the differentiation between normal tissues and abnormalitiesreducing the probability of false positives or negatives.

Examination customization

The design of the mammograph allows tailoring the procedure to the individual characteristics of each patient. Exposure parameters, X-ray intensity, acquisition angle and compression level can all be adjusted. All this allows you to generate high quality medical images and optimize the patient experience.

Fast and efficient diagnostics

The mammogram streamlines the diagnostic process by generate medical images in a short period of time. In this way, when abnormalities are detected, physicians can immediately plan further studies and start treatment as soon as possible.

Multiple uses and clinical applications

In addition to being a key tool for the early detection of breast cancer, the mammogram has also other important applications:

  • Monitoring of the evolution of oncological treatments.
  • Performing image-guided biopsiesThis improves the accuracy of the procedure.
  • Identification of benign changes or non-malignant disease in the breast tissue.

In summary, the mammograph is an advanced technological tool that combines precision, safety and efficiency for the detection and diagnosis of breast disease.


American Cancer Society (n.d.). Mammogram basics. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from (n.d.). Mammography. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from

MedlinePlus (n.d.). Mammography. U.S. National Library of Medicine Retrieved January 15, 2025, from.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Mammograms. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from

Revista Argentina de Mastología (2020). Importance of mammography in the early detection of breast cancer. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from

Luis Daniel Fernandez Perez

Director of Diagximag. Distributor of medical imaging equipment and solutions.

4D Médica and CEU Hospital collaborate in the area of Diagnostic Imaging

4D Médica and CEU Hospital collaborate in the area of Diagnostic Imaging

4D Médica has collaborated with the Hospital Clínico Veterinario CEU on the diagnostic imaging area. To this end, it has provided both the sale of different equipment like support, installation and maintenance of supplied medical equipment. The CEU Hospital is specialized in the area of Small Animals and Large Animals, so the cooperation with 4D Medical is a revolution in the clinical and research activity of the veterinary sector.

The CEU Clinical Veterinary Hospital, a reference center in the Valencian Community

The CEU Clinical Veterinary Hospitallocated in Valencia, has more than 20 years of experience in the veterinary field. This is in addition to the specialization of the medical team, new facilities, research and state-of-the-art technology. All these aspects have turned it into a reference center in the Valencian Community.

At June 2016was inaugurated on new Clinical Veterinary Hospital for Companion Animals and Large Animals at CEUof the Cardenal Herrera University. The center was built in a new facility with a total surface area of 4,536 square meterswhere they are housed diverse areas of expertise and spaces for clinical practice and research. Another aspect for which it stands out is that it is equipped with infectious animal isolation unitsbeing the first hospital in Spain that incorporates them.

The three pillars of the center

CEU Hospital focuses on three main pillars:

  1. TeachingAt the hospital, undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University carry out their internships, and continuous training is provided to health professors. The Faculty is a member of EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education), an entity that brings together the best Veterinary Faculties in Europe.
  2. ClinicalThe center is a referral center for owners and veterinary professionals who refer the diagnosis and treatment of complex cases.
  3. ResearchResearch activities, both internal and in collaboration with external entities.

Multidisciplinary referral service

It offers a multidisciplinary referral service with qualified specialists with experience in national and international hospitals. The hospital is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to attend to veterinary emergencies, prioritizing a quality medical care.

Medical equipment and technology in the area of Diagnostic Imaging, provided by 4D Médica.

It is a center that incorporates the latest technology in Hospitalization and ICU Units. With the 4D Médica collaboration and the medical equipment provided in the area of Diagnostic Imaging, has become a pioneer and reference hospital in the veterinary sector. For this purpose, it has audiovisual and information systems that facilitate the transmission of operations from the operating rooms and a data processing center which manages information in real time, connected to the university network.

New Large Animals area

The new facilities are equipped with the clinical care services for large animals, especially equines. It is, therefore, in the largest equine hospital in the Valencian Community. The diagnostic services offered are digital radiology, ultrasonography and video endoscopyamong other techniques. Regarding the type of health care, within the area of large animals, the following are carried out emergency, general medicine, specialized internal medicine, surgery and anesthesia clinical services.

Medical equipment and services supplied by 4D Médica

In the cooperation between 4D Médica and the Hospital Clínico Veterinario CEU in the area of Diagnostic Imaging, the following medical equipment was supplied:

Digital X-ray detector Vivix V-2430VW (2018)

During 2018, 4D Medical provided the Vivix V-2430VW X-ray panel detector. It is a digital flat-panel detector from X-raysdesigned for general radiography applications. It is part of the Vieworks VIVIX-S V series, recognized for its advanced technology and robust design. Among its main features, we can highlight the following elements:

  • Superior image qualityWith a pixel size of 124 µm, it offers a high spatial resolution of 4.0 line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm), capturing sharp, detailed images with minimal noise, enabling more reliable and accurate diagnoses.
  • Ergonomic, lightweight and durable designThe detector is easy to maneuver and lightweight, making it comfortable to use for radiology technologists. In addition, it has built-in handles for easy carrying. At the same time, its glass-free design makes the detector resistant to shocks and drops, ensuring a long-lasting investment. In addition, it has an IP67 rating, which means it is dust and water resistant.
  • Prolonged autonomyVIVIX-S 2430VW batteries last up to 16 hours on a single charge, allowing for intensive use without interruption. It supports a variety of charging methods, including wired charging, wireless charging and charging via a docking station.
  • Automatic Exposure Detection (AED)Vieworks' patented Automatic Exposure Detection (AED) technology ensures that images are captured at the appropriate radiation dose for each patient, optimizing safety and comfort.

Sonosite M-Turbo, Sonosite Edge II, Wisonic Piloter and SIUI Ultrasound Scanners (2019-2024) 

From 2019 to 2024, different models have been supplied and types of ultrasound scanners for accurate and quality diagnostic imaging.

Ultrasound scanners and their use in the veterinary sector

Source || Freepik

Sonosite M-Turbo

It is a portable ultrasound scanner that is recognized for its durability and reliability. Weighs approximately 3.4 kg with batteryThis makes it easy to transport. It is designed for demanding environmentsIt offers a wide range of products and services, meeting U.S. military specifications. advanced image quality and turns on in less than 20 secondsIt can be used immediately. It is used in various diagnostic applications and clinical procedures around the world. From remote hospitals to veterinary clinics and community health centers.

Sonosite Edge II Ultrasound Scanner

This portable ultrasound system provides an enhanced imaging experience, while maintaining the same high quality of the images. design pillars: durability, reliability and user-friendliness. It has a wide-angle screen with an anti-reflective coating and has a simplified interface with a tactical panel with selection button that provides efficient navigation. At the same time, its silicone keyboard is sealed to prevent the entry of liquids and to allow adequate disinfection. On the other hand, it is ready to scan in less than 25 seconds and is suitable for various clinical applications.

Wisonic Piloter

It is a extremely lightweight tablet ultrasound scanner and with a weight of only 2 kg. It has a 13.3-inch touch screen that allows horizontal and vertical viewing. Through its extremely lightweight housing, intelligent design and built-in customized workflow, Piloter provides a more efficient experience for the user. musculoskeletal control, pain management, physical therapy and vascular system. Includes the wiNeedle technology for improved needle visualization during interventional procedures.


The SIUI brand offers a variety of portable ultrasound scanners and with support for various clinical applications. For example, the Apogee 5300 Pro model is prominent in cardiology and radiology, offering advanced informatics capabilities that enable automated measurements essential for diagnosis. These devices are designed to provide a satisfactory image quality and intelligent applications that enhance diagnostic quality.

Portable X-ray generator MEX-20 (2022)

In 2022, the CEU Clinical Veterinary Hospital was awarded the MEX-20 portable X-ray generator. It is a portable high frequency X-ray generator, specifically designed for veterinary applications, especially in equine. It has the following components:

  • Power and performancePower rating of 1.6 kW, equivalent to 4 kW in conventional systems, with a range of 50-90 kV adjustable in 1 kV increments, and a current of 20 mA.
  • PortabilityNet weight of approximately 6.8 kg (including battery), it is easily transportable, facilitating its use in different clinical and field environments.
  • AutonomyThe system is equipped with a high capacity battery (1600 mAs), which allows up to 160 exposures at 80 kV/10 mA on a single charge. Recharging time is less than 3 hours, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Ease of useIt has an intuitive touch screen for parameter settings and has a memory for storing up to 10 presets. In addition, it has a dual laser pointer that facilitates precise positioning.
  • Included accessoriesThe equipment includes a remote control and a portable case, providing protection and ease of transport.

Maintenance and repair of conventional small animal X-ray and endoscopy room (2017-2024). 

Since 2017, in addition to the medical equipment provided, there have also been. maintenance and repair services for conventional X-ray room equipment of small animals and endoscopy.

Radiological image storage PACS, with 4D Medical installation and maintenance (2019-2024).

Technology in medical imaging

Source || Freepik

Technology is a key aspect that fosters better management of medical information and images. Starting in 2019, 4D Médica included the PACS system in the radiology area of the Hospital Clínico Veterinario CEU. This is a computerized image archiving and communication system which is used in the radiology area to store and manage reports and medical images electronically. With this, the hospital has a data processing center that manages data in real time and is connected to the university network.

Through this project, 4D Médica and the Hospital Clínico Veterinario CEU have driven the medical innovation and cutting-edge technology in the field of diagnostic imaging. This has allowed us to provide a quality clinical service, teaching and research, becoming a pioneering and widely recognized veterinary center in the Valencian Community.


CEU Cardenal Herrera University (n.d.). Presentation of the CEU Clinical Veterinary Hospital. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from

Sonosite (n.d.). M-Turbo: Portable ultrasound system. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from.

Sonosite (n.d.). Edge II: Portable ultrasound system. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from.

Wisonic (n.d.). Sample Page - Wisonic Spain. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from

SIUI (n.d.). SIUI products for diagnostic imaging. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from.

Vieworks (n.d.). VIVIX-S 2430VW: Digital X-ray detector. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from.

4D Medical. (n.d.). Mex20HF Plus portable RX Mex20HF Plus equipment. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from.

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.

Analysis of magnetic resonance equipment Siemens Magnetom C!

Analysis of magnetic resonance equipment Siemens Magnetom C!

The magnetic resonance equipment MAGNETOM C!manufactured by Siemens brandoffers a compact and open design and incorporates advanced technology to achieve efficient image diagnosis. This medical equipment is a complete solution for healthcare facilities looking for an affordable, efficient and high-performance MRI equipment, suitable for a wide range of applications. wide range of medical applications. Its innovative design and advanced technology make it an essential tool for improving the quality of medical care and optimizing clinical resources. The following is an analysis of its technical characteristics, advantages and main clinical applications.

Technical characteristics of the Magnetom C!

The Siemens MAGNETOM C! 0.35T is an equipment for magnetic resonance imaging designed to offer a balance between technological innovation, ease of use and patient comfort. Among its main features, we can highlight the following aspects:

Compact and open design

The design of the MAGNETOM C! is based on a C-shaped magnetThis design not only minimizes the size of the equipment, but also allows open access to the patient from 270°, which facilitates positioning and reduces the feeling of claustrophobia. This design not only minimizes the size of the equipment, but also allows open access to the patient from 270°, which facilitates positioning and reduces the feeling of claustrophobia. The 137 cm top opening and the vertical distance of 41 cm contribute to a more comfortable patient experienceespecially for those with anxiety or limited mobility.

In addition, its compact size makes it ideal for space-restricted facilitiesas it requires less than 30 m² for installation. This affordable and efficient design is especially suitable for small clinics and hospitals.

Magnetic field of 0.35 Tesla

The equipment uses a magnetic field of average intensity (0.35 Tesla)suitable for most diagnostic applications. This makes it possible to achieve a balance between image quality and operating costs, since no need for cryogenic cooling systems as the most powerful equipment.

The system includes an innovative hybrid shim mechanism, which combines active and passive methods to ensure homogeneity of the magnetic field. This ensures a homogeneous consistent image quality throughout the scan volumeeven in areas that are difficult to capture.

Multichannel technology

The MAGNETOM C! takes advantage of the multichannel technology to optimize imaging capabilities. Its ability to use up to four coils simultaneously allows detailed images to be captured and improves the efficiency of the scanning process. In addition, it is compatible with iPAT parallel acquisition technology, which speeds up scanning times without compromising image quality. This is particularly beneficial in long studies or with patients who have difficulty holding still during scanning.

Image quality and resolution

Although it is a mid-field device, the MAGNETOM C! offers a minimum resolution of 33 micrometers, which makes it possible to obtain sharp and detailed images that are suitable for a wide variety of diagnostics. It is also capable of performing 3D isotropic imagingthat can be reconstructed in any plane, facilitating the visualization and analysis of complex anatomical structures.

Technology and clinical application packages

The device comes equipped with a number of pre-installed applications, covering various medical specialties. Some of the highlights include:

  • Neuro SuiteIt is designed for brain and spinal cord studies, with advanced sequences to detect tumors, lesions and neurological pathologies.
  • Angio SuiteIt is used to perform angiographies without contrast, allowing to visualize arteries and veins in a precise and safe way.
  • Cardiac SuiteCardiac morphology: Provides tools to evaluate cardiac morphology and function, as well as to diagnose congenital diseases.
  • Body SuiteIt is a tool that optimizes the elaboration of abdominal and pelvic examinations, helping to identify pathologies such as tumors and liver diseases.
  • Ortho SuiteIt allows the evaluation of joints and the spine, making it useful in musculoskeletal diagnostics.
  • Pediatric SuiteProvides specific protocols for studies in children, adapting to their particular needs.

syngo MR software platform

The MAGNETOM C! uses the syngo MR software, a intuitive platform that facilitates equipment operation. This software automates complex tasksThe results are available immediately after scanning, including motion correction and image reconstruction. In addition, the Inline technology reduces the need for manual post-processing by performing automatic adjustments in real timeThe system can be used for pre- and post-contrast image subtraction. It also includes advanced 3D reconstruction toolsThe use of MPR (Multiplanar Reconstruction) and MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection), which are essential for analyzing anatomical and vascular structures.

Advantages offered by MAGNETOM C!

Siemens' MAGNETOM C! is an MRI system that provides a balance between advanced technology, accessibility and operational efficiency.

In the analysis of the equipment Magnetom C! doctor, these are its main advantages:

Open design: Accessible and comfortable for the patient

The "C" shaped design of the MAGNETOM C! provides a 270° open patient accessand therefore offers a less claustrophobic environment compared to traditional closed MRI systems. This significantly improves patient experienceespecially for those who suffer from anxiety or claustrophobia.

This MRI model has an adjustable tabletop and side access that can be used for facilitate precise patient positioning. This is very useful in interventional procedures or with patients who have limited mobility. Another advantage is that protocols are faster and minimize the time patients need to stay on the equipment. In addition, their capacity to support patients up to 200 kg makes it a suitable solution for a diverse population.

Benefits of Magnetom C!

Source || Siemens healthineers

Wide range of clinical applications

The MAGNETOM C! is designed to cover a wide range of clinical applications, from neurology and cardiology to oncology, orthopedics and pediatrics. This makes it a comprehensive tool for medical centers serving different specialties. In addition, it offers customizable protocols that can be adjusted according to the specific needs of each case, guaranteeing precise diagnoses tailored to each patient.

Operational efficiency

The equipment is designed for optimizing clinical workflows. Its compatibility with parallel acquisition technology (iPAT) significantly reduces scanning times, allowing more patients to be seen in less time. Inline technology, which processes images in real time, eliminates the need for lengthy post-processing processes, delivering clinical results immediately after the study. In addition, its intuitive interface simplifies the use of the equipmentThis makes it possible to speed up the medical diagnosis.

Diagnostic quality at low cost

Although it is a mid-field device (0.35 Tesla), the MAGNETOM C! image quality excellent thanks to its advanced acquisition and processing technologies. This makes it an economical and effective option for most clinical needs.

Compared to high-field systems, this equipment has a more affordable initial costThe cryogen-free design reduces operating and maintenance costs, making it ideal for clinics and hospitals with tighter budgets. In addition, its cryogen-free design (no liquid helium) reduces operating and maintenance costs, making it ideal for clinics and hospitals with tighter budgets. more profitable in the long term.

Flexible installation

Thanks to its compact size, the MAGNETOM C! can be installed in confined spaces. In this way, only one space with dimensions of 30 m²This makes it ideal for clinics and hospitals with limited infrastructure. In addition, no need for significant modifications to the facilities and this facilitates its implementation even in small centers.


The efficient design and versatility of the MAGNETOM C! offers an excellent return on investment. Its ability to address multiple medical specialties allows maximizing its use in a single facility, reducing the need to purchase additional equipment. The permanent magnet and simplified cooling technology guarantee a long equipment lifefor which the following are required minimum maintenance costs. Therefore, it is a solution that fits all types of medical centers.

Connectivity and data management

The equipment is compatible with the DICOM standardThis facilitates the transfer of images and data to other hospital systems for analysis and storage, such as the RIS system o PACS. With a storage capacity of up to 110,000 images, the MAGNETOM C! is a medical device that can store up to 110,000 images. enables management of large volumes of clinical data without interruptions.

Compatibility with interventional procedures

The open design of the MAGNETOM C!, coupled with the availability of wireless coils, makes it suitable for image-guided therapeutic procedures. During these procedures, the equipment provides real-time images, allowing physicians to make quick and accurate decisions.

Clinical uses and applications

The MAGNETOM C! is an MRI system designed to offer high quality diagnostic solutions in a wide range of medical specialties:

Main uses of Magnetom C!

Source || Siemens healthineers

Neurological diagnosis

This medical equipment offers a detailed evaluation of the brain, spinal cord and nerve structures. This includes the detection of tumors, lesions, neurodegenerative diseases and congenital malformations. In addition, it enables specific studies, such as high-resolution imaging of the inner ear and cranial nerves, which are essential for complex diagnoses.

The system includes advanced protocols, such as 3D isotropic imaging, which allows detailed views in any plane. In turn, it is used to study specialized sequences for perfusion and diffusion studies, which are very useful in cases of stroke or ischemic pathologies.

Magnetic resonance angiography

The MAGNETOM C! allows the visualization of arteries and veins with advanced noncontrast angiographic techniquesThe system is an ideal option for patients with allergies or renal insufficiency. This equipment is capable of capturing detailed images of the vascular system, helping to diagnose conditions such as stenosis, aneurysms or thrombosis. To do so, it uses technologies such as time-of-flight (ToF) and phase-contrast to provide accurate and fast results in different anatomical areas.

Cardiological diagnosis

In the field of cardiology, the equipment facilitates the analysis of cardiac morphology, ventricular function and valves. It is particularly useful in the diagnosis of congenital diseases and cardiomyopathies. Thanks to its real-time dynamic imaging capability (TrueFISP cine), the MAGNETOM C! can capture the motion of the heart and provide critical information about its function.

Body images

The MAGNETOM C! stands out in the diagnosis of abdominal and pelvic diseases, including renal, hepatic and adrenal gland pathologies. Its high-resolution sequences, combined with advanced fat suppression techniques, allow clear visualization of internal organs. It thus aids in the identification of tumors, inflammation and other abnormalities.


This equipment is an essential tool in oncology, since it provides detailed imaging for tumor detection and characterizationand for the follow-up of the response to treatment. Its ability to suppress fat signals and highlight soft tissues makes it ideal for visualizing lesions in different areas of the body. In addition, the dynamic protocols allow to evaluate the behavior of the lesions, which contributes to a more accurate diagnosis.

Orthopedic imaging

The MAGNETOM C! is widely used in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal and joint injuriessuch as tears, sprains and fractures. It is also effective in the evaluation of the spine and diseases such as avascular necrosis or bone tumors. Its high-resolution 3D sequences allow detailed views and multiplanar reconstructions, essential for a complete diagnosis.

Pediatric applications

The equipment offers specific protocols for pediatric studies, adapted to the needs of infants and neonates. This includes fast imaging for uncooperative patients and optimized sequences for developing tissues. It is useful for evaluating congenital malformations, tumors and epilepsy, as well as for cardiac studies in children.

Rehabilitation and sports imaging

In sports medicine and rehabilitation, this equipment is used for diagnose muscle, joint and tendon injuries. In addition, it allows dynamic analysis of moving joints, providing key information for treatment planning and evaluation of patient recovery.

Special applications

The open design and compatibility with specific accessories make the MAGNETOM C! an excellent choice for magnetic resonance-guided interventional procedures. In addition, its 270° access facilitates positioning of patients with special needsas those with claustrophobia or reduced mobility.

For more detailed information on the availability of our products, please contact us. magnetic resonance equipmentas well as leasing or financing options, you can contact 4D Médicaand our team will advise you and look for the best options for your clinic.


In conclusion, the MAGNETOM C! is an MRI model that combines a compact design with advanced technology to provide high-quality images in a variety of clinical applications. Its accessibility, ease of use, and focus on patient comfort make it an essential tool for hospitals and clinics looking to enhance their diagnostic capabilities in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Siemens Healthineers (n.d.). Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Siemens MAGNETOM C! 0.35T [Technical brochure] Retrieved from:
Luis Daniel Fernandez Perez

Director of Diagximag. Distributor of medical imaging equipment and solutions.

4D Médica IPO prepared with Substrate and LKS Next

4D Médica IPO prepared with Substrate and LKS Next

Substrate AIa Valencian artificial intelligence company listed on BME Growth, has hired the consulting firm LKS Next to prepare the IPO of its subsidiary 4D Médica.

LKS Next is part of the Mondragon Corporation and has a total of 800 professionals specialized in the industrial, technological and health sectors. Its experience includes mergers, acquisitions and capital markets advisory servicesand, therefore will assist Substrate AI in preparing for the IPO.. From the preparation of the necessary documentation, the choice of the most suitable market for the initial public offering (IPO) and the search for investors, considering the particularities of 4D Médica's business.

Acquisition of 4D Medical by Substrate AI

Substrate AI acquired the 70% from 4D Medical in 2022 for 1.4 million euros. 4D Médica was originally dedicated to the sale of diagnostic imaging hardware for the veterinary sector.under the direction of its founder and CEO, Francesc Ramos, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector.

After the acquisition, the company was transformed into a AI applied to diagnostic imagingwith hardware and software divisions, operating in both veterinary and human medicine.

The purchase of Diagximag is integrated into the subsidiary 4D Médica

In 2023, Substrate AI purchased Diagximaga company focused on hardware for human medicine and main distributor of Samsung in Spain.integrating it with 4D Medical. In addition, we developed a AI-based imaging software to help doctors and veterinarians obtain more accurate diagnoses, which will soon also be available for human medicine.

This software seeks to Improve disease diagnosis and reduce radiation exposure to patients and physicians. by means of collimator self-regulation in ionizing radiation equipment.

4D Médica's sales growth since 2021

Thanks to these initiatives, 4D Médica has tripled its sales in three years1.8 million in 2021 to a figure three times higher in 2024, while maintaining an EBITDA margin of more than 25%.

"We are very satisfied with the road we have traveled in just two years. Together with Substrate AI, and thanks to their technology and support, we have transformed the company and prepared ourselves to become one of the key players in the application of AI to diagnostic imaging, an essential part of current and future medicine," says Francesc Javier Ramos, CEO of 4D Médica.

Therefore, the next step is the joint work of LKS Next, Substrate AI and 4D Médica to ensure that the IPO fits the needs of the company's growth plan.

Kiko Ramos

CEO of 4D Médica. Expert in marketing and distribution of medical equipment.